Order before safety / by kevin murray

There are plenty of those that profess that we need more public order, so as to best assure that the public will therefore be safe. While on the surface, this does appear to make eminent sense -- the reality of the situation is far more complicated; and so, what we find is that the actual practice of public order being enforced on behalf of the good of the safety of the people, is often unsatisfactorily so done, and in particular, very unsatisfactory to a certain subset of those people. In other words, in a lot of instances, in which, for example, the public has gathered in a form of protest, the policing arm of the state, have been instructed to, above all else, enforce order upon those people – an act oftentimes considered to be necessary in order to protect, defend, and to assure order for that which is perceived to be in jeopardy – which thus by virtue of such an action, often ends up infringing upon the people’s safety, that are so protesting.

Again, it must be stated that those that profess the loudest for more order, under whatever guise such order is seemingly justified upon – are essentially doing so, to protect their vested interests, above all else. In other words, in general, the lack of order and discipline is bad for business and normality – so that, when this disorder is thus permitted to occur again and again, it has a way of destabilizing that which is considered to be the norm for a particular community or business, which essentially interferes with the habits and inclinations of that community.

What most nations want, and therefore what most people desire, is for the “trains to run on time,” because whenever things are disrupted, this makes everything that needs to be accomplished on a given day, more problematic and cumbersome. Further to the point, most governments, do not desire for their people, to overthink anything at all, or to ever consider on their own volition, the contemplation of changing the status quo; but rather the elites want the general public to go about and get done what these elites need to see get done, which is often collectively far more beneficial for those that represent that elite status quo at its highest level, than it so represents for the general public.

The best way to ensure public safety is to first recognize that the actual safety of the people, is more important, than enforcing order. That is to say, those that are typically designated with the responsibility to enforce order, are often going to do so, with the abiding purpose to utilize whatever means that they believe will take care of what is disrupting that order, and to do so, in a way and manner that has a strong inclination to be overzealous, while also typically lacking nuance, concern, or care for those that must be re-ordered. On the other hand, if public safety was more important than simply mandating and thus enforcing order, than the policing arm of the state, would be more cognizant that people that are being disruptive or are being a nuisance, should be best treated in a way and manner, that would nobly attempt to deescalate a given situation, and if something more than that is needed to rectify, to do so with constraint and consideration, above all.