In America, there are all sorts of rules and regulations, along with laws upon laws upon laws. In truth, there are so many laws that have been written, of which the interpretation of some of these laws, varies from one judicial court to another, while also having a strong inclination to vary from one era to another era, in which that law is so adjudicated in. That is to say, not every law is absolutely fixed and certain for all time – so too, and further to the point, not every law, is equally applied to all, equally. Rather, it could be said, that the law as written, does not necessarily accord to how that law is thus applied in action, and therein lies the rub.
While it’s nice to have laws that are clear, sensible, and seemingly fair – that doesn’t necessarily mean that every one of those laws will actually be applied in a way and manner, that such was intended for -- when it was first debated and written upon. In consideration that there are an awful lot of lawyers, and in the sure knowledge that the thing about lawyers, is that a fair amount of them are rather clever – whereupon, we thus find that therefore when these lawyers are provided with an assignment in which their pay or their prestige, depends upon them stretching the law, or seeing the law as being in shades of gray, they are going to do their absolute darndest to find a given pathway so as to come up with a novel interpretation of such, that thus favors what they are so trying to accomplish for their client. After all, a lot of clients are themselves quite aware of the law in question, and in short, don’t care to be compliant to it, and therefore are quite desirous of legal acumen that will interpret that law in a way that is favorable to their position, above all.
This thus signifies that the law in action is not necessarily the same thing as the law as written, of which, quite frankly there are plenty of people as well as institutions that are powerful, connected, or wealthy enough, who are willing then to pay just about any price to see that the law as applied to their particular case, is applied in a manner, that is favorable to them. In short, well-intentioned laws, that are also well written, and so enacted for a specific purpose in order to exact fair justice, are actually subject to being interpreted by a court of law, in innovative ways, or even basically being ignored as a non-entity, which signifies that the law in action is not always in sync with the law as written.
As much as we like to believe that the law applies equally to all, and is therefore no respecter of persons – this simply isn’t the case, in reality. In fact, when we take a comprehensive look at the law in action, we are able to see, time and time again, that the law in action, treats those that are well connected in a diametrically different way than those that are not – indicating, that the law in action often serves to protect and even to enhance the elites of society; so done at the expense of all those that aren’t themselves in that same catbird seat