There are plenty of Americans that really do want us to discover extraterrestrial intelligent life, or to be more accurate, to be discovered by extraterrestrial intelligent life; but in their excitement for such a thing as that to happen, they seem to not recognize well that to be discovered by that agency which is far more intelligent and perceptive, could be rather embarrassing for us, or even worse. First off, it has to be recognized that any extraterrestrial intelligent life that was successful in being able to exist in our world, along with demonstrating to us their superior communication skills which probably would supersede their need for words by being able to impress upon our minds their thoughts to us in a clear and concise manner – would, by definition, clearly represent them as being of far more intellect than we are. Further to the point, all those beings that are at a much higher level of aptitude and awareness are not the type of beings that would ever be easily fooled by any sort of spin or narrative that a given national government would wish to sell to them. Instead, rather quickly, they will know America for what it really is and what it really represents. This thus means that there will be difficult questions put to the American people and its governance, so of.
The type of questions that America would find to be rather difficult to answer, would be along the lines of why this nation is so bellicose, so violent, so predatory, so exploitive, and so warring in its nature. Further to the point, they will wonder why it is that so few have so much; and why so many others live segregated lives of poverty, neglect, ill-education, incarceration, violence, prejudice, poor health and hopelessness. So too, they would question why good opportunity isn’t provided to everyone of this nation; in addition, to these extraterrestrials also expressing befuddlement of why certain colors, races, and creeds, are so often treated in America as something less than, which they would find to be the mark of an inferior culture, and clearly unjust.
While to a certain extent, America would get high marks for its scientific achievements, technology, the arts, and industrial contraptions – it would, for a certainty, get a failing grade for its character; though, of course, the extraterrestrials would recognize that not every person so presented to them, would be completely without merit – in fact, some of the people, they would be suitably impressed by. That said, almost without exception, the richest and the most connected of the Americans -- that is, the elites of America, would when presented to the extraterrestrials, be seen for what they really are – exploiters and oppressors of the human race, and thereby a dangerous menace to that human race. The elites, would, of course, try everything within their arsenal to placate the extraterrestrials, but would have no success in doing so – yet, in the end, the elites would get their way, for those extraterrestrials would see America for what it really is, and knowing that the future was destined to be hopelessly bleak, would thereby take their leave.