One of the seminal anthems of America, is “God Bless America,” which is one of those patriotic hymns that makes just about any self-respecting citizen that loves their country, love it even more. The thing is though, if we were to take this anthem literally, one might find that upon honest reflection, that America has in its bad actions and in its ill behavior, truly let God down. For instance, America’s Declaration of Independence, along with its Constitution and the principles behind such, are some of the most noble words ever written down by any civil government, in the history of the world, but when those words, are distorted, misinterpreted, ignored, or abused, then they really don’t end up counting for all that much.
That said, one has to give credit to America, for becoming the mighty nation that it has become; but within that greatness, there are definitely some very serious character flaws that seem to be getting ever progressively worse. That is to say, when we look at America and its influence worldwide, we see that an awful lot of that influence isn’t pushing for more democracy, civil liberties, or freedom, for others, whatsoever. But rather in its actions, American seems to, more times than not, exploit other nations in regards to the monetary policies so imposed upon them -- as well as in their exploitation of the natural resources contained within those nations or the exploitation of the people that make up those nations, or both, combined.
So too, America, seems to be rather poor in setting the good example of how a mighty nation should properly conduct its affairs, for it rather, far too often, prefers to take the route of saber rattling; along with constantly projecting to those that are either friend or foe, that it has to be America’s way or else it will be no way at all. That in a nutshell, doesn’t seem to represent a nation that is blessed by God, at all, but seems more to reflect a nation that knows that it is the only superpower in the world, and makes the constant point, that everyone else needs to remember that well.
When we look at all the great natural resources that America has been blessed with, along with the wonderful innovations so invented and thereby created by its people, it makes for some very impressive credentials. Yet, while a significant number of Americans are quite happy with their lot in life; we can’t help but to take note that within the borders of America, not all is well, for the underclass in America is a systemic problem which has yet to be successfully resolved or mitigated, its incarceration rate is a crying shame, and contained within its administration of justice there remains implicit, if not explicit, discrimination against the unfavored.
So then, America should be very worried if indeed it has been blessed by God, for contained within that blessing, has always been a reasonable expectation that the entity so blessed, will do and must do right by that blessing. After all, for those in which much has been gifted, much is so expected in return. Indeed then, there will so come that day, when a reckoning will be made, and to contemplate the fall that may so come for that which was so richly blessed, could be absolutely horrifying.