There are an infinite number of things that each one of us, could decide to seek; but for all those that so desire to cut to the chase, or to shatter the illusion that precludes us from knowing for a certainty, what the meaning of life really is, then those of that serious and searching ilk, need to seek for the truth, above all.
As much as today’s world tries to impress upon people, that truth can be relative, or that truth is in the eye of the beholder and that therefore one person’s truth may be different from another person’s truth, of which, each then can thereby claim the merit of having truth on their particular side; that type of nonsense holds absolutely no water when it comes down to the actual truth. While this world may indeed sell the illusion that truth is relative, and that each person is thereby entitled to their own truth; this is at best looked upon as something akin to “in the land of the blind, the one-eye man is king.” What is left unsaid, though, is what so happens to that one-eye king when he faces off against another king who uses well his two eyes, so as to take in perspective, because that two-eye king has depth perception, and the one-eye king, does not.
It almost goes without saying that those that do not wish to hear the truth, or to seek for the truth, so as to then therefore find the truth; are quite obviously either simple of mind, or for some reason, they take comfort in living within a construct of that which does not represent truth, and they thereby recognize that fact or care not to give credence to it. Sooner or later, though, whether a given person wants to, or not, each of us has to face the truth of who and what we really are. Those then, that understand that each one of us is called to seek truth, and then to go about to find and thereby live to that truth, are those that are getting ever closer to where they need to be; whereas, those that blissfully care not -- are stuck in a never ending cycle of light and darkness, birth and death, love and hate, war and peace -- until either they shake off their lethargy or perhaps have someone or something that finally arouses their sensibility, so that they can get about the business that there were meant to deal with, from the beginning.
Then, alas, there are those others, who are bright minded, or exceedingly so, but have within their character a distinct flaw in which they just don’t want to countenance that they themselves are not equal to their Creator, which creates for them, much anguish and resentment. For these souls, the truth is most definitely known, but that truth is battled against, again and again, to time immemorial, for they don’t want to surrender to that which they must surrender to, but prefer instead to rebel, and even worse, to take as many souls as they can with them, in a battle which they are all preordained to lose. It is these troubling souls, that though they ultimately go down to defeat, that still get some perverse joy, from having convinced credulous others, that truth is not only not knowable, but even if it was, it’s not worth adhering to.