There are far too many wars, civil or otherwise in the world, today; and of which, it is a truism that people that are in war zones are by the very nature of that war -- typically precluded from maintaining their normal course of business. This so signifies that because wars are so often quite destructive, tragic, and horrifying, that the civilians that are not directly part of that war, will frequently find themselves to be in the middle of quite a quandary.
There are a lot of issues in regards to war, that affect the everyday life of those that are the denizens of those war zones. For instance, just about everything, that people take for granted, is thereby subject to being disrupted, if not consistently disrupted during war, especially when it comes to food, electricity, rest, income, healthcare, education, and safety. This so means that, for example, for those that are students, wars have an unfortunate habit of interrupting such education; and for those that need a steady income in order to procure the typical accouterments that families have a need of, we do so find, that wars disrupt this, as well.
So then, for those in war zones, in which a resolution, one way or another, preferred or not preferred, does not appear to be forthcoming; or in those situations in which the writing is most definitely on the wall; and of which for these particular foresighted people they know for a certainty that their lives are going to be affected in the most negative of ways, then the go-to solution for them is going to consist of seriously looking at exiting their current place of residency and thereby finding somewhere else, that is preferably far safer and more stable, instead. In fact, it can be said, that those that are more knowledgeable about such things, are the very people that typically do not wait until they are hopelessly behind the eight ball, in order to take the necessary steps to enact their move.
Not too surprisingly, the very people that are most inclined to escape a bad situation before it gets even worse, are going to be those that are connected, informed, and educated, while typically also having a reasonable sum of monetary resources to draw upon. In other words, the best and brightest, are often going to be the first in line, to leave their country of residency, sooner as compared to later; for they correctly realize that those that dilly dally too long, are going to find out to their lasting regret, that delay equates to much more trouble.
This thus means that wars can serve as a means to separate the best from all the rest; thereby leaving behind the poorest, the ill-educated, the infirm, the troubled, and the elderly, who don't have the same set of options to avail themselves of. So too, once that war is resolved, or reaches an impasse, the country, itself, is clearly not going to be the same – not only for all the destruction, death, and injury that has occurred, but also because the very makeup of the people so left behind, represent to a strong degree the most vulnerable of the population, which seldom bodes well for the successful return of that nation into some semblance of a country that is on the rise.