The above wise proverb comes from Proverbs 18: 17, and is as true now as it was before; and further to the case, it will be true, forever. We live in a society of which, regrettably, there are plenty of the mindset, that believe that if they can just get their story out first, or their narrative, or their spin, and somehow get a quick judgment from someone in authority upon such, thereby validating their version of the story as the truth, then all will be well for them. In truth, for those adjudicating such, who are too lazy to investigate, or represent blithe unconcern so that they do not ask needed questions or bother to cross-examine a given story, so as to determine its substance, and further are unwilling to contact and thereby to listen to the other side, then whatever resolution that subsequent so happens, is by definition, unjust.
After all, let’s face it, for many a person, that has done a misdeed and desires to take the easy road of concocting a story that will not make them look too bad, or will, even better, absolve them of any error, and of which, they believe that their story will not be examined, are in the most enviable of positions, for by being first to plead their case, they are thereby enabled to circumvent fair justice, so being applied to them. Further to the point, the other party which therefore has not been listened to, or arrives at the scene too late to effect any change on a decision already reached, is for a certainty, getting the short end of the stick, which besides being unjust, thus serves to encourages that unfortunate person, to desire to see that in the future that they get some sort of revenge upon the other; for one injustice leads to another, and then to another, ad infinitum.
So too, there is egg on the face, of that personage that renders a poor judgment, for not bothering to allocate the time to have both parties to show up at the same time and venue, so as for each then to have the opportunity to state their case and for that individual that is judging such, to subsequently ask pertinent questions about the event in question; of which, as the wise adage so says, the truth of the event, thereof, typically lies somewhere in the middle. That is to say, that there aren’t really that many times that clearly one person is 100% wrong, and thereby the other person is 100% right, but rather there are often extenuating circumstances, and other issues, that turns what so appears to be a case of black and white, into something more akin to shades of gray, which is why it is a mistake to simply believe the first story so being told, without fairly investigating such.
It is well to remember, that none of us, wants to suffer from a judgment so rendered in which we never were provided with a chance to have our say, or the opportunity to cross-examine the evidence so put against us, or to question that who accused us of this or of that; and further, it also is to be found especially unnerving, when that justice that we so expected to be impartial and fair, hasn’t been that at all, but rather has simply been perfunctory, instead.