We seem to live in a modern society, in which never have so many felt entitled, privileged, above it all, special, and selfish. That is to say, there are an awful lot of people, especially those that should know a lot better, in which because of their status in life, or their money, or their willful ignorance, are pretty much all about their own self, and thereby these are the very same people that are thus only interested in their own personal satisfaction, above all else. In other words, it seems to be, especially for those people, a race to the proverbial bottom, of selfishness, narcissism, self-centeredness, and just about anything that continually validates their own self, without much of a concern or care about anyone or anything else.
Not too surprisingly, when our sole focus is pretty much upon getting ours and our satisfaction, then everything else must thereby take a back seat to our desires, or must be subservient to our desires, or else ends up being used for our desires. This thus signifies, that those that are especially selfish, have by their actions and by their mindset, pretty much separated themselves from society, to live instead in a world of their own, in which in that world, the only thing that really counts, is them, and nothing else. So then, at a certain point, those that are solely self-absorbed, whether they consciously recognize this or not, increasingly become more and more alienated from humankind, because they are not part of the social milieu, at all, but rather are part of a team of exactly, one.
Any society in which a significant portion of its membership, involves people that aren’t interested in contributing anything of value or of worth to that society; but rather see that society as nothing much more than as an instrument to exploit, or to take advantage of, or to use for their own purposes, and thereby believe that this is justified, because they have been endowed with free will, have not examined their own life in any meaningful way; for those that are in it only for themselves, must so recognize, that if everyone else was to have that same sort of attitude or mindset, then the inevitable fall of that society would be imminent; for we are, in actuality, social creatures, so created with an implicit understanding that we have a duty and an obligation to do our fair part of helping to make society better as our just obligation to such.
While each of us entitled to follow our own chosen path, those that insist that they wish to concentrate solely upon themselves, and on no other, are invariably going to come to that point, in which those that engage with them, are only those that are either compelled to do so, or those that are in their own way, extracting value from the other. So then, we find that in a selfish person’s most honest moments, that they must so admit to themselves, that all is vanity; unless they are able to forthrightly find someone or something that is bigger than their own limiting ego.