These words so written above are inscribed upon the Boston Public Library McKim building. Yet, we so read that in 2018, that when 15-year-old students were tested by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), that the USA ranked 11th out of 79 countries in science, and was 30th in math. The bottom line is that it is clearly obvious that America does not lead the world in the educational achievements of its citizens, and in consideration, that America, has long known and long believed in the value as well as the necessity of that good education, of which its governance devotes, at least on a budgetary basis, an exceedingly high amount of monetary funds upon the educating of its population, that the result, thereof, is incredibly dispiriting.
Whatever that it is, that America has been so doing in regards to the teaching of its citizenry, this has clearly not been working very well, and therefore, the end result is what we so see in the present time; which is, despite the fact that America represents in actuality, a nation that has a massive amount of great wealth as well as an impressive status within the world; that it also has a population that is poorly prepared to be the guardians of and protectors of our Constitutional rights and duties, and therefore this nation has failed in its function to educate its citizens well – thereby leaving it bereft of a solid safeguard to its civil order, as well as, leaving us weakened as upholders of responsible liberty.
We so live in a modern age, in which those that lack knowledge and the good application so of, makes those people vulnerable to being stuck in fields of employment that do not compensate them well, or provide for them a reliable means of advancement; and further because of that lack of competent knowledge in regards to mathematics, as well as in basic literacy, leaves those people to be constantly susceptible to being exploited when it comes to typical transactions of business of all types, as well as suffering from the disadvantage of poor comprehension of contracts and things of that sort, which pretty much leaves them at a huge disadvantage in getting the best out of their particular life.
So too, those that are poorly educated aren’t going to be appropriately prepared to understand well their obligations to civil society, of which, such obligations, lie far beyond just the rights that each one of us is fairly entitled to, but also involves our duties to the state in order to secure those rights, along with the good understanding that those that are well informed and engaged, make for a citizenry that is ever alert to that of which so occurs within their community, so that an informed response can so be made by those that are parties to that society, when such is necessary or appropriate.
In life, we so find, that those that are its most educated, along with being well positioned, are almost always those that dominate those others that are ill-educated, poorly connected, and ignorant. Additionally, no matter how well written a good Constitution is, it can be easily subverted when the general population is too lazy, poorly educated, uninvolved, uninformed, disengaged, and sorely lacking in the very skills so needed in order to collectively respond in a responsible manner to defend the safeguards of that civil order, which provided them with that precious liberty in the first place.