The rich and powerful and the manipulation of truth / by kevin murray

As much as people might believe that the rich and powerful have some degree of influence over how they are perceived by the general public, that general public, pretty much, doesn’t know that the rich and powerful have, in actuality,  an incredible amount of influence upon how they are perceived and portrayed; of which, when such manipulation is done with skill and aplomb by those same rich and powerful, most of the general public, are none to the wiser, that they have indeed been effectively manipulated and deceived.


The thing about the rich is that the massive amount of money that they have and have access to, absolutely matters; and the entity that has that money, has therefore the opportunity to spend such in a way in which those that do the reporting, and the writing, so of, structure their stories in a format that usually favors that rich person or entity at the expense of the truth, more times than not.  So too, those that are in positions of immense power, have by virtue of that power, an awful lot of influence over other people and institutions, because powerful people and establishments have a lot of say as to who they so choose to benefit, and who they so choose to punish; of which, those that don’t comprehend that, will so suffer for their inability or reluctance to bend when they so needed to bend, so as to please and to placate those powerful interests.


The general public usually receives the news that they so read, or listen to, typically through the medium of very large and very powerful media conglomerates, in which, these media outlets, are subdivided into only two binary flavors, that to the general public, seem to be competing voices, of which, by intuition, it is thereby reasoned that one of those media outlets must be telling the truth and the other thereby, must not.  While that could be true, it doesn’t take into account, the reality of how life actually plays out, which is that typically we do not live in a society, in which, those events deemed worthy of being reported upon, always break down neatly into either that incident being clearly right, or that incident being clearly wrong, but rather real life is a heck of a lot more nuanced than that.  Further to the point, the rich and powerful, really just want the general public to pick a side, of which the rich and powerful, have already prudently taken a vested interest in both of those binary sides, so that, whichever one that the public so picks, the rich and powerful are going to always come out ahead, because they have a piece of the action, either way.


Any society, that has millions upon millions of people, of which, each of those people are capable of speaking their own mind, and of having independent thought, are always going to present a clear and present danger to the status quo.  That is why those that are the actuators of this nation, are never going to provide to that general public the unvarnished truth about anything of merit.  Instead, they are going to do their level best to manipulate the general public so as to direct them to either of the standard orthodox choices, and all those then that think outside the box, will be marginalized, ignored, and if so needed, silenced, in any of the conventional ways, and when necessary, the unconventional ones, as well.