Tariffs, taxes, and the American Revolution / by kevin murray

For a lot of people, the saying, “no taxation, without representation,” while seeming to be a reasonable complaint, also seems to be a bridge too far, to actually seriously contemplate, let alone to have an actual revolution, in response to that demand not so being successfully met.  In fact, it seems difficult to get enough people of substance and influence, to literally risk their lives, fortunes, and honor on behalf of such, but yet, this would appear to have been what so happened in the American revolution.

The thing about money and business, in respect to taxes and tariffs, is not a whole lot of people and businesses are all that thrilled about those taxes and tariffs to begin with; and for a certainty with their business interests involved, as well as their personal needs at risk, the arbitrary or punitive increase of taxes or tariffs is never going to go down well; especially if the perception by those colonists is that these taxes and tariffs are unreasonable.  In truth, unexpected and unwarranted taxes and tariffs will definitely have an adverse impact upon present business, while also probably negatively affecting future business, because the playing field for conducting such, has materially changed; in addition to the fact that when this is apparently subject to even further change, in the context of a construct in which the colonists have no say or sway, all makes for a very bad brew.

If you want to find a cause that will unite a people, find something that people universally believe is both unfair and punitive, and they will indeed start first with the grumbling and then they will progressively begin to look at their options as well as reasonable responses to such so as to counteract it.  Now, from the perspective, of the entity so imposing punitive taxes and high tariffs, they from a strictly accounting perspective, may well believe and also anticipate, based on past history, that they will receive a substantial increase in the future taxation revenue so collected; but they have made the presumptuous assumption, that such taxes and tariffs imposed, will not adversely affect people or their business behavior, when, of course, it will, in all probability.  So, in reality, if it used to be, that there was some degree of subterfuge in personal and business affairs, this will noticeably increase, by virtue of having that unwarranted imposition enacted.

When it comes to taxes and tariffs, it should be remembered, that you can shear a sheep multiple times, but you can only skin it once; and thereby the breaking point of what is to be considered being reasonably sheared by those colonists, to perceiving of such as being skinned, is something that no government of import, should want to cross, for by those actions, revolutions do happen, and some of those revolutions are successful.  Those governments that put an ever-higher burden upon those it so governs, and especially those governments that govern from afar, and thereby care not to listen to those opposing voices, may so find, that things will not go as expected or anticipated, for when a people's voice is effectively silenced, and when those same people, are finding themselves feeling that they are being treated more akin to serfs, they may well be so inclined to thereby seek their freedom, by any means, possible.