Gospel of Thomas Saying 18 / by kevin murray

The Gospel of Thomas Saying 18 reads as follows: “The disciples say to Jesus: "Tell us what our end will be." Jesus says: "Have you then deciphered the beginning, that you ask about the end? For where the beginning is, there shall be the end…” For all those that wonder why it is that Christ so often spoke in parables, and seemingly in riddles, it is important to recognize that wisdom cannot be imparted successfully without the recipient of that wisdom, doing their fair part to understand and to comprehend what is so being said and meant by those words. Therefore, those that speak in parables and riddles are doing so, in order to primarily test the sincerity and the desire of those so listening, as well as also in the conscious recognition that those that always desire easy answers, are typically the very same people, that want easy lives.

It is good to yearn to know what the principle point of life is. It so follows, then, that we should thus concentrate either upon the beginning of life, or conversely upon the end of life; but yet, though those two things appear to be opposites, it must so be recognized, that every beginning, by definition, has at a minimum, an implied end; so too, every ending, necessitates that there must have been a beginning. So here we are, clearly cognizant that each one of us so exists, of which, some of us, never bother to question our existence or the point of such; whereas, those that are more curious and inquisitive about our origin and purpose, and thereby their place in it, will at least attempt to try to figure it out, for an unexamined life, surely is a life that lacks vital enlightenment.

Those that go to fortune tellers and the like, are the very same people, that desire to skip to the end of a book, without reading all of the drama and tales so told in-between, because perhaps they just have to know whether it all works out okay, or perhaps because they can’t handle the tension of the trials and tribulations so being dealt with. So too, many a person, wants to know, especially in their quieter moments, or perhaps when they are down and out, or sickly, how it is that their life will be so seen and adjudged. Further there are those that are unbelievers, or perhaps too busy to care, or because they are dull of mind, that still find themselves in a weak moment or similar, interested to know what the end of this life will so represent for them.

The thing is that the very concept of beginnings and endings, comes forth from our distorted perspective that life is linear, and further that time therefore exists, in all dimensions and places; as opposed to the belief that time is a human construct, meant for the benefit of humankind, so that a particular story can be so written and told; but is, in totality, an elaborate illusion in actuality. To believe that there is a beginning, necessitates, that there is an end; but we will so find, that our existence, never had a beginning and never will have an end, for we are beyond time and space, for mortality is the servant to that which is immortal, and that substance which is immortal, as in our soul, has always been and always will be.