The ugly Americans / by kevin murray

The United States has some sort of presence in just about every country, in regards to things such as an embassy, a consulate, or in an awful lot of countries, the presence of actual United States troops.  Those that are part of that military, so authorized to be within a foreign sovereign nation, are typically going to be dealt with in a way and manner that is consistent with the power and influence of that American military within the confines of that foreign nation.  That is to say, overseas military personnel, that commit crimes against the foreign population, are going to, for the most part, though, certainly not always, be subject mainly to the applicable military codes, laws, and regulations, for criminal behavior besmirching the American uniform by those military personnel -- as contrasted to having to suffer through a foreign court of law.  So then, for all those soldiers that are stationed in foreign lands, that thereby commit crimes, there is probably a fairly good chance, that whatever punishment be meted out, will be consistent more with United States military codes, as compared to these soldiers having to suffer the fate of being punished through that foreign nation’s judicial system, which is, in virtually every case, beneficial for that soldier so accused and adjudged.


Then, there are all the other people, that travel around the world, and somehow get themselves in some sort of legal trouble.   Because so many Americans seem to believe that the whole world, bends to every law and dictate of America, a lot of these people, at least, initially, will not be overly concerned about being arrested and thereby being put into some cell, for they often believe, that by the simple virtue of their being an American citizen, that their country, right or wrong, will always have their back.  That is, for many people, a fallacy, for just being American is not a perpetual “get out of jail card” – which always works, no matter how egregious the offense; of which, we so find, in actuality, that many a country is not really interested in treating American citizens, with just kid gloves.


Many Americans want to believe that no matter where they are in the world, that they are always and forever above foreign laws and customs, but this is in actuality, the fatal mistake of having an American-centric view, and none else.  The reality is that different countries have different ways of dealing with criminals, of which, in some of these countries, the rule of law, the judicial system, the rights of the accused, and so on and so forth, are diametrically different than the United States.  This thus signifies, that those that become the “ugly Americans” abroad, are going to find themselves having to face the music for their misbehavior, of which, while the American embassy, the consulate, the press, and those with power and influence, may so play an important part in the resolution of such; we do so find, for those that cross the line -- that foreign countries are permitted to resolve what they so consider to be crimes within their nation, consistent to the policies of that nation, and do not need to ask permission from America, to do so.