The drugging of America / by kevin murray

In 1971, President Nixon declared a war on drugs, of which, this war continues until this very day, more than fifty years later.  So then, the only possible conclusion that a reasonable person could arrive at is that any war that has taken longer than five decades, and still has not been successfully resolved, is obviously a war in which the battlers of such, have fundamentally lost or have gotten all of it so very wrong; of which, no doubt, there has to be sensible explanation for such a failure, especially in a nation as powerful as America.


We live in a day and age in which never have so many people done and continue to do so many drugs; consisting of illicit, licit, or the combination, thereof.  A case in point, is that any country that is short-sighted enough, or greedy enough, to actually believe that it should be legal or acceptable to advertise powerful medicinal drugs to the general public, so that those that are its most susceptible, will thus find themselves prone to self-diagnosing themselves in a way and manner in which they believe that to resolve whatever appears to be troubling them, is through some prescribed miracle drug, is almost certainly way off course.  So too, any country that has declared a war on illicit drugs, of which, virtually any damn fool, on any given day, and at any hour, can find whatever illicit drug that they so desire to indulge in, relatively easily, has clearly ceded that war to their avowed enemy


There isn’t any debate that America has a serious drug abuse problem, both licit and illicit, of which, the question should be asked, as to how come this drug abuse problem has gotten progressively worse, over time, despite the billions upon billions of dollars expended to resolve such.  The correct answer mainly lies at the feet of the greed and corruption of those that are supposed to be our noble defenders of law, capitalism, and justice.  That is to say, for instance, law enforcement officials are often compromised in the mission that they are supposed to accomplished; to wit, the concentration of that law enforcement is almost always upon those that are small-time players in the drug trade, and almost never against the actual big actuators and players, so of.  Additionally, powerful interests desire to see American minds and bodies, constantly addled, because there is plenty of profit in the selling of both licit as well as illicit substances, with incumbent gross margins, that are absolutely gargantuan, in comparison to legitimate business enterprises.  Also, whenever a fairly large proportion of the population is kept pacified through their drug choice, this is obviously going to create a situation, in which the few and well positioned, are going to be able to successfully exploit such and thereby profit greatly upon that general population’s Achilles heel.


While people do take drugs for a lot of reasons, such as for sleep and relaxation, for pain remediation, for pleasure, and for anxiety relief; all of this drug usage, takes an inevitable toll on people, especially when such is done via self-medicating, or through prescription medicine so prescribed, by someone in authority that is more concerned about their personal monetary benefit, as opposed to actually considering helping the patient, in whole.     So then, the drugging of Americans is not happenstance; rather it is deliberate, aided and abetted by those that desire to slowly and inexorably drain the lifeblood out of their fellow citizens, for their own personal benefit, of which, this government, despite what it says, continues to be absolutely complicit in this whole sordid affair.