While the above quotation, with slightly different wording, has been attributed to Walt Whitman, as well as to Helen Keller, it seems to be from a newspaper in West Virginia, from 1862. No matter the origin, though, its sentiment, is profound; for each of us, is going to invariably have some dark days in our life, of which, those that are made up of the right stuff, are going to have the right perspective along with the wherewithal to overcome such, or if not, to deal with such in a manner that is forthright; whereas, those that are made of lesser stuff, will be subject to being overwhelmed, or will find themselves unable to navigate successfully on what should be their next move, for that lack of good light.
Remember this well, those that operate in the shadows, typically are those that are up to no good, for that which necessitates shadows in order to accomplish what they are up to, are those, that do not wish to be exposed or to be cleansed by the powerful disinfectant of natural sunlight. Further, we do so find, that some people see the glass as half full and some see that same glass as being half empty; while, in truth, they are both right, and perhaps too, each is justified in their outlook; the truth of the matter is that those that are more optimistic are the same people that are inclined to face the sunshine, and thereby to put their problems, doubts, and troubles, behind them, or at least not allowed such to overwhelmed them or to compromise them, and those that are not so optimistic, are more inclined not to.
What we so find, is that within any given situation, no matter how apparently bleak or dangerous it so appears, there is almost always a pathway of escape, or a way to resolve such; or if not, each of us has the capacity to deal with what so has to be dealt with in a way and manner that upholds us as free will individuals, that are sovereign agents in our own life. Indeed, not everything is going to go our way, and not every rosy outlook is actually justified; but then again, not everything that appears to be impossible, immovable, or insolvable, is actually that way, either. Those then, that face the sunshine, so as to better see what puzzles them be illuminated by that good light, are going to be in a far better position to overcome that which needs to be overcome, then those that despair of such, in darkness.
Each of us is gifted with mind, body, and spirit; of which, it is important that our mind be developed in a way and manner in which we have the right mindset so as to best deal with the complexities and nuances of our life, as well as to interact competently and positively with the society that we live within. Those then, that step out of the darkness of their doubts, to thereby embrace the situation and the scenario as it so presents itself, are those that will put that which should be left behind, in its proper place, which is behind them, or off to the side.