Property ownership and powerlessness / by kevin murray

The very first thing that each person is the true property owner of, is their own self; for those that do not own such, are slaves, and slaves are, by definition, without individual sovereignty. That said, we live in a day and age, in which slavery has been abolished; though, truth be told, there are many people that live in conditions, which are akin to peonage, perpetual servitude, and basically, slavery.

What we so find is that once we get beyond the foundation of our ownership of our own personhood, the next most fundamental thing that we should desire to own is our own home, or its equivalency; this is especially necessary in any nation that is not socialized, of which, in those non-socialized nations, property by definition is either private property, that is thereby own by individual(s) or corporate entities, or else such is own or managed by some governmental agency.

The reason why home ownership is so important for each of us, is that those that lack home ownership are, in effect, always at the mercy of their landlord in regards to what they can or cannot do within that property, as well as to what they have to pay in order to rent such, in addition to their legal obligations to that landlord, and so on and so forth. Sure, there are plenty of tenant laws, that protect and uphold the tenant, and certainly not every landlord is a bad landlord, but the landlord is the owner, and to ever believe that tenants and landlords are truly equal in the eyes of the law, is fallacious.

Further to the point, those that own the home property, are thereby the people that receive the money so being paid for that home so being rented, and therefore those that rent such a home, are those that are committed to making that payment, without ever being afforded the opportunity of themselves building any equity within the home that they so occupy, and further, we find that tenants, typically do not have any meaningful say as to what or what not will occur within that home, but such decisions in regards to that is basically exclusively in the hands of the landlord. That is to say, those that rent, are essentially paying for the privilege to stay where they stay, without ever being the owner or the true beneficiary of such.

There are plenty of ways to make money, and one of the simplest of those ways, is through the renting of homes, in which, month after month, the money comes in, and of which, such property typically also appreciates monetarily in value; and also, tellingly, many landlords do not personally fix or repair anything of that home, but usually designate someone else or some organization to do so, or incredibly, make it part of the rental deal that the tenant thereby has the personal responsibility for. So then, on a time scale, long enough, what so occurs, is that the landlord gets ever wealthier, whereas the tenant, merely treads water, thereby invariably increasing the inequality between one and the other, of which, those that own the property, in a way, own those that do not.