The United States of America is the richest nation that the world has ever known, of which, television, social media, and our own encounters, demonstrates on a daily basis, just how rich certain people are, which thereby makes some of those that aspire for such, or desire such, feel, with some justification, the shame of knowing that they will never hold a candle to those that have it all. Further to the point, there is one’s status within a given neighborhood, of which, for some of those people that live within that neighborhood, this represents for them, the be-all and end-all of their existence, for they seldom spend much time away from their neighborhood. Therefore, one’s status in one’s neighborhood, is, for them, of absolute relevance, further compounded by the fact that those that believe that they have no avenue to escape from such, know for a certainty, how then they are perceived by those that they congregate with, is of some real import to them.
So then, not all that surprisingly, neighborhoods that are filled with people, that see no real prospect that they will ever extricate themselves from such, recognize that their status within their neighborhood, seemingly defines who and what they really are. This thus indicates that those that have been shamed, disrespected, or dismissed, are going to carry a lot of internal hurt, for the very people that they desire to have respect them, don’t. So then, in recognition that they have been shamed, rightly or wrongly, those then that hope to right that ship, often feel that the only way to obtain or to regain pride in themselves, is to strike back directly against that which has shamed them.
This thus signifies, that those that have been belittled, but are able to still call up some pride, are going to be tempted to take revenge in some way that will permit them to obtain that pride, which often amounts to some sort of violent reaction; of which, those that do not feel that they have the physical strength to fight hand-to-hand, or the verbal acuity to outwit their adversary, may so demonstrate a strong tendency to look for a weapon, such as a handgun, that in and of itself, not only demands respect, but in its use, is incredibly effective in wreaking destruction against a given target.
Whether or not, using a gun is appropriate, matters little to those that feel disrespected, for those that utilize guns in order to overcome humiliation and dishonor, do so to obtain, what they believe will be pride and thereby respect by those that they interact with, and care little for anything else that may so occur to them at some future point as a consequence. All of this basically means, that those that have been publicly called out in a manner in which they have been disgraced and belittled, of which, they see no real good civil recourse so available to them to overcome such, will often turn to that which makes a very public statement, which is violence, and violence so done in a manner in which, a price will be so exacted, that thus, at least for a moment in time, replaces disrespect and shame, with pride and satisfaction.