In 1913, President Wilson had published the more meaningful portions of his campaign speeches, into a book entitled, “The New Freedom A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People.” From this, we then recognized that the very things that Wilson most feared and thereby warned us of, consisted of things such as the concentration of industry, of an era of special privilege, as well as becoming the land of monopoly, “…where all the conditions of industry are determined by small groups of men,” which is exactly the epitome of what America so represents at the present time.
So then, that which Wilson most feared, has come upon us, in which in today’s America, the vast majority of people are mere cogs in the machine; that is to say, employees of enterprises of which they as workers have no say, no piece of the action, and thereby must adhere to the dictates of that enterprise, or else find themselves susceptible to being without employment, which thereby signifies that they aren’t really free. These are indeed trying times, for when those that have a need and thereby a requirement to work for a living, have little choice but to work for a corporation that determines their pay, their hours, and the basic conditions of that employment, thereof, then these people aren’t really sovereign individuals, at all.
A huge swath of Americans, don’t have the capital to begin their own enterprise, nor do they often have the necessary connections that would help smooth the pathway for the initiation of such, and thereby the success of such a business enterprise. In this modern world, that might well be just fine, if on the other hand, these people, individually or collectively had the power to receive not only a fair wage for the work so performed, but also received fair benefits, job security, as well as some sort of reasonable pathway provided to them that would allow for growth in that job, for those that fairly merited such.
The fact that so many Americans are nothing much more than employees, with often no guarantee of job security or loyalty by the company that so employs them, in which, their employment is considered to be at the will of that employer, subject thereby to the whims of that employer -- then it doesn’t seem possible for many a person, to feel safe and secure, that they will be able to consistently be a good provider for themselves as well as for their family, now and into the future.
None of this appears to be in keeping with the American dream, but seems instead to be in keeping with the desire of a small cabal of very powerful business interests as well as those that sympathize with such, that want to profit at the expense of their fellow human beings, by controlling and exploiting the labor component, all to the benefit of that particular business enterprise. In short, humankind cannot be classified as free, when they are unable to be autonomous or act as such, when they thereby seek employment. Those then, that have no seat at the table of business, aren’t free, but should be seen for what they really are, pretty much peons to the worst aspects of the capitalistic system, in which, their government, idly stands by, doing nothing much of merit, because that government, itself, dances to the tune of those that have thoroughly co-opted or corrupted them.