One of the problems with living in modern societies is that a lot of us are susceptible to losing our meaningful attachment to community, to family, and to others, by getting so self-absorbed in other matters -- that actually represent in the scheme of things, that which really aren’t of any lasting material importance, and basically these other things serve for the most part to distract us from the more meaningful things in life, that we should be addressing and doing, instead.
For all those that somehow believe that the most important thing in life, is to make themselves feel good or to look good, they have it all wrong. Those that are narcissistic in their outlook, and in their behavior, of which everything that they therefore come across is dealt with in a manner, that primarily is about how this will or will not personally benefit them, aren’t thinking correctly. That is to say, a world of exclusively selfish people, is not ever going to be a world of peace, harmony, and justice, but rather such is always going to be quite obviously the very opposite of this, because people that are not joined together in a common purpose for the greater benefit of society at whole, are going to be at odds with those that are.
This thus signifies, that each of us needs to understand that none of is an island onto our own self, and as much as we might have a tendency to want to give ourselves all or most of the credit for our success in life, the truth of the matter is far more nuanced and complicated then that; for really none of us gets into a really good place without having first stood upon the shoulders of previous giants, and each of us, thereby needs to be not only conscious of that material fact, but also that we each have an inherent obligation to make it our point to see that in our life, we have done our fair part to have done something of benefit for others, so that they too, can reap the rewards of a life lived wisely and well.
None us truly progresses in this life, without taking into fair account, our obligation to those that have helped us to blaze forward in this world, of which, the greatest tribute that we can thereby provide to those that have aided and abetted us, is to live a life in words and in action, that demonstrates our respect and our obligation to perform good deeds with our fellow sojourners. The way that we best do this, is by our efforts to help others in making their way in this world, by being a positive influence upon others, by having concern as well as taking the time to lend a helping hand to those that need such, and by forgetting ourselves and our needs for a time, to concentrate instead on being the type of person, that is that good Samaritan, because there truly isn’t anything more important than those little but necessary things that allows us to assist as well as to uplift others, so that they too, can be better off, for our having done something of value for them.