Auto insurance and personal choice / by kevin murray

One of the most fascinating things about the United States of America, is the fact that it is made up of fifty distinct States, and of which, each of those States has its own peculiarities, rules, and laws.  When it comes to auto insurance, most States as a mandated law, necessitate that car insurance be purchased and thereby attached to the vehicle so owned; and this therefore does not give the option for people that, for instance, own their vehicle free and clear, to opt out of car insurance.  This would seem to be overly restricting, and perhaps reflects, in action, the governmental nanny state that rules us; as the most appropriate way to look upon insurance, any insurance, is to see such as a financial safety shield, to reduce or to eliminate personal financial liability, but such insurance, all things being equal, should be left to the discretion of the individual, where so appropriate.  So then, for those that are confident in their driving abilities, have weighed the risks, thereof, and therefore are of the belief that they will never be “at fault”, the lure or even the practicality of auto insurance, may be the sort of expense, that could be forsaken.  So too, there are plenty of people, that have expenses that they barely are able to meet on a consistent basis, of which, auto insurance is most certainty an expense, and while New Hampshire has specific rules in place for “proof of financial responsibility,”  applicable to those that want to opt out of auto insurance, it would seem that such a statue as that, is subject to not only interpretation, but also, importantly, of no real import, for those that are not ever involved in a traffic accident.


The insurance business can best be seen as a racket, of which, it should be considered to be such, because the business is run on a for-profit basis, and for all those that have ever called in to find out why their insurance has risen, the most typical of answers from these car insurance businesses, is that accidents within that community or State, have gone up; which while unfortunate for those so involved in those accidents, would seem to represent little relevancy to those that haven’t been in an accident, in which, it seems that they have been subsequently financially punished, though they have done nothing wrong, themselves.  In fact, it could be said, that those that go years upon years without an insurance claim, should by all rights, get some sort of rebate or refund for never having a claim, but this isn’t the nature of the car insurance basis, at all; of which, about the only “bone” thrown the customer’s way is that their rate of increase, or so-called “discount” has been adjusted to reflect their loyalty and good driving record.


The amount of money spent on car insurance yearly, is over $300 billion, of which, the biggest losers are really those that are not provided with the fair option, to opt-in or to opt-out, for a strong argument could be made that those without auto insurance, have the highest of incentives, to not place themselves in the position to either get into an auto accident, or to ever be at fault should such an accident, occur.