Owning up to personal responsibility / by kevin murray

There are all sorts of excuses put out by both adolescents as well as adults to explain away their various failings and faults, of which, within those excuses, there may indeed be some justification, and in some cases, a lot of justification for such errors in judgment; but, at the end of the day, those that do wrong, that makes mistakes, that fall in with the wrong type of people, have primarily only themselves to blame, and none other, despite their excuses so used.


For instance, it is somewhat amusing, though in reality, pretty disappointing, when people indicate that the problems that they have has a lot to do with them meekly following the wrong crowd, or the wrong advice, or the wrong this or the wrong that.  Yet, somehow, within those that fall into this following of the wrong leader and things of that ilk, there doesn’t come to mind, that somehow these same people weren’t able to follow the dictates of good parental advice, or good mentoring, or good wisdom from the good book, itself.  In other words, those that claim that they are prone to being so easily led, and find such thereby leading them into trouble; somehow, weren’t able to be so easily led, by those that exemplified the doing of good works, the value of following good rules, and of doing right.


In reality, each of us, has a personal responsibility that we are responsible to own up to, and while we might well try to put the blame, or at least a significant portion of it, on others, the bottom line, is that in many a case, we are solely responsible for the actions that we have taken.  After all, the ability to say “yes” or to say “no”, is typically at our volition, of which, no doubt, that answer, may indeed come with consequences, but nevertheless, a choice has been made. Those others then, that claim that they have made no choice, or had no choice, have by simply going along with what they were in direction of so doing, have by their actions or by the following so of, also have made their choice.


In point of fact, what leads more than anything to people getting into trouble, is not necessarily that they fall in with the wrong crowd, though, that has its significance; but rather that they have a bad habit of simply going along with the flow, without taking into proper consideration, exactly where that flow is leading them, and whether or not that is a good place to go to.  The main danger in going with the flow is that far too many people, just put their mind into that somnolent state of auto-control, which seems typically like a really bad idea, especially, in consideration that our mind was made for thinking.


So then, to stand against the crowd, takes some degree of courage as well as pluck; so too, to walk away from those that are one’s peers because the ideas that they are proposing seem imprudent, does take resolve and determination.  Still, these very actions, must from time-to-time be seriously considered and then if appropriate, so enacted upon, for each of us has an innate responsibility that only we can personally answer to, for better or for worse.