The above scripture comes from Matthew 6: 27, and this scripture should say something to each one of us – which is that to worry about those things that cannot change, is quite obviously a waste of time. Each of us has a responsibility to do the best that we can do with our given abilities, of which, it therefore behooves us to not only have the correct mindset so as to accomplish those important things, but it also necessitates our active involvement in doing those activities that will help us to get accomplished what we so desire to get accomplished. The worrying aspect of anything, is often not going to be conducive to the task at hand, but typically serves to unnecessarily distract us from concentrating our mind upon our tasks, and therefore worry in any of its myriad forms, is almost always a hindrance, and hence something to be avoided.
The first thing to recognize about worry is oftentimes those things that we worry about the most, thankfully, don’t ever come to fruition, which on one hand, can be considered to be a very good thing; but it also must be recognized that such worrying has also been a very bad thing, for all that worry, has taken us away from what we would have found to have been more profitable to engage ourselves in, and therefore has reduced our efficiency and effectiveness. So then, there are many people that fear all sorts of hobgoblins and menaces, that they perceive as a real threat to them, when in reality, their concern about such things, serves mainly to make them nervous and at unease, for no good reason.
While there are those things that we each should be concerned about, or even to worry about – it has to be recognized that in the worrying, nothing of substance is going to be accomplished. Instead, a given individual should try to break down the problem that is troubling them in a manner in which it can be mitigated, resolved, or overcome; and if after aforethought, no viable solution comes forth, then the only thing of substance to do, is to determine how best to handle the problem, so that the result is less damaging, overall.
Each one of us has challenges so presented to us, that it is our duty to overcome, of which, there isn’t any extra pay involved, for those that expend a great deal of energy, worrying about it; as opposed to all those that recognize the value in dealing with it, in a responsible and forthright way. So then, those that worry the most, are seemingly those that have lost touch with the fact that they are the very same ones that actually have the most control and say of what they do or don’t do in a given day, of what they do or don’t think about, and finally what they do or don’t do about what needs to be done.
All those that worry, and worry too much, aren’t good at comprehending that they have failed to recognize that for every closed door that there is another one that so opens; thereby they need to take the opportunity to not only find that open door, but to also enter into it.