The United States truly broke the mold for governance / by kevin murray

In 1776, the colonists, declared their Declaration of Independence, from Great Britain.  Of course, that mere declaration, wasn’t in and of itself, going to do the job, as to achieve such would still necessitate several years of warring battle against the greatest power in the world at that time; but ultimately, those thirteen colonies were successful in overthrowing that which had precluded them from their legislative representation, fair taxation, and freedom.  Subsequently, the United States would ratify its Constitution, and become through that Constitution, thirteen States united into the United States of America.   The form of that government, so created, would not be a monarchy, nor would it be a dictatorship, but instead it would be a republic; thereupon making the United States the first modern republic of any appreciable size.


The fact that these thirteen States, were subsequently able to somehow come to the accommodations so needed to institute a union of those States, as compared to the European continent, which had separate countries, which were often at war one against the other, is to the lasting credit of the wisdom, and the compromises so made in order to accomplish this necessary step.  That said, it is true, that the United States, did so subsequently suffer a very bloody and tragic Civil war, but the ultimate outcome of that war, led to a stronger and more united country than it had been so before.  After all, it was many decades, after our Constitution, before people would self-identify as first being a United States citizen as contrasted to be a Virginian or similar.


The de facto motto of these United States is considered to be E pluribus Unum, which is, “out of many, one.” This motto is indeed what the United States so became, for to take so many diverse interests, as well as sectional differences,  and therefore the natural conflict of one State to another so as to overcome  each of these obstacles in a manner in which, these so became over a period of time not stumbling stones, but stepping stones, leading therefore to one national currency, along with there being no imposts or duties so imposed for goods being traded from one State to another, or closed borders between one State to another, made thus for a unified nation.


The two other main forms of governance that we see throughout the world, are monarchies and dictatorships, of which, the people within those nations are thereby subject to the whims and dictates of those that are its leaders, which signifies that these governments do not typically offer either the same type of individual liberty so valued by Americans, nor in a lot of cases the true enfranchisement of the democratic vote, or republican representation, so of.  In other words, in America, the people have a voice and the vote, along with each of these being protected by their government as their right, whereas in many other nations, these are hollow promises, and nothing much more. 


Each of us then, should be appreciative that our government as so created and envisioned, is one of, for, and by the people, which makes it ours to own, and thereby ours to do right by.