Debt peonage / by kevin murray

There all types of debt so incurred by people, such as mortgage debt, student loan debt, credit card debt, vehicle debt, and personal loan debt.  Never has it been easier for people to get into debt -- and for a lot of those people, they actually get into debt, at a very young age, such as eighteen or nineteen, through credit cards, vehicle loans, or student loans.  The thing about debt is that a significant amount of Americans just aren’t competent at basic mathematics, and further to the point, they have difficulty truly understanding the perniciousness of high interest rates as well as comprehending their personal responsibility in regards to the personal cost so of, for failing to properly adhere to the terms of the debt so initiated to them.


While just about everyone likes to get something for nothing, the problem for many of those same people, is that debt so taken on in which it might well appear that a given individual is getting something for nearly nothing, really isn’t that case at all.  In fact, once someone has signed up for a debt, just about everything in regards to the terms and conditions of that loan, are pretty much out of their hands, and of which, this also typically heavily favors the lender and not the loanee.  Further to the point, a significant amount of people getting a loan, really have not taken the time to comprehend how nefarious such a loan might well be for them and their quality of life, especially when their income is relatively light and such has no reasonable means of being invigorated in the future.


All of the above, basically covers what are legal loans, and therefore, these pretty much are representative of the norm in the United States.  There is, though, even in these modern times, the type of loan, not authorized by the government, and therefore not in conformance with appropriate rules and regulations; yet, people in some degree of desperation will turn to these.  A case in point, would be any sort of cash loan, so provided by someone that operates outside the law, of which, these street loans, have their own interest rates, which can even be by the day, of incredibly high vigorish rates, and of which the enforcement of the payment of those loans are typically done through fear, intimidation, and violence, if so warranted. 


Then too, there are those non-citizens that see America as the proverbial land of opportunity, of which, because border security has become far tighter and far more proactive, than in previous decades, this has correspondingly raised the price for those so desiring to get trafficked into America.  Since many of these migrants have little ready cash, they often have to just accept the terms of the deal, of which those terms are typically not fully disclosed in any meaningful way.  Once these migrants reach America, they not only have to pay back the “coyote” they got them across to America, but they also have to deal with the fact that often for the work that they are doing in America, a significant amount of those so employing them, know that they are undocumented, which means that the cost of their room and board, if applicable, along with the wages to be paid, are going to favor heavily the employer, and of which, there often isn’t any good recourse for those so doing the work, if dissatisfied. The upshot of all this is that a lot of these migrants, are having to pay a whole lot of catch-up in regards to the debts that they so owe, of which, progress so being made, or the lack, thereof, keeps them in perpetual debt peonage.