There are all sorts of people and companies that complain about governmental regulations, but not all those that cry “wolf” are being sincere in what they so complain about. The fact of the matter is, that some of the biggest and most influential corporations that the world has ever known, absolutely thrive upon aggressive and restrictive governmental regulation, because through their lobbying efforts and influence, such legislation is written in a manner in which effectively the door is closed on those that would dare to compete, thereby allowing these hugely influential mega-corporations to essentially become the sole provider of a vital service or good which provides them with not only a reliable and steady stream of revenue, but also the very nice profit that comes with being the only game in town.
None of the above, means that there shouldn’t be governmental regulation or that somehow, we would be better served if we reverted to some sort of exclusively laissez-faire free enterprise system, with thereby little or no rules or regulations; but rather this reflects that when you allow the fox to guard the henhouse, then this is not going to produce the end result that is going to be most beneficial for the people at large. The most important point of good governmental regulation, is that the regulation so created is done in a manner in which the greater welfare and beneficence of the people takes precedence over unneeded favoritism so being provided exclusively to one corporation or consortium, so of.
The main potential problem with the force of law, so done through governmental regulation, is that when that regulation is structured in a way that clearly favors one designated party, then that party, so favored, now has the force of law, through governmental auspices to get their way as well as having such enforced by that government, which quite obviously makes it quite a formidable foe for anyone or any entity even contemplating, trying to storm the Bastille.
When for all intents and purposes those that write the rules and regulations supposedly on behalf of the government, are actually doing so in cahoots with those that need to be properly regulated then the end result will be satisfactory only to those parties. This thus signifies, that the implementation of meaningful rules and regulations by the government should not only be transparent, but such should be debated and discussed, at much as it is reasonably conceivable, within an open public forum.
After all, if the government with all of its attended power and force of law, vacates its purpose, which is to help keep the playing field fair and level, so that the competitive atmosphere in the business world remains relevant and viable -- by that government essentially forfeiting the value of that force of law, so properly written and applied, then those that appear to functionally run this country, aren’t actually the elected officials at all, but rather these legislative officials are nothing much more than puppets, dancing to the tune of their corporate puppet masters.