In the scheme of things, America should not have reverted to what it was back in the gilded age, with an incredible amount of disparity between those that had it all, compared to the masses which had little or nothing; but in fact, as reports, “…America’s middle class now holds a smaller share of U.S. wealth than the top 1%.” While there may well be absolutely legitimate reasons of why the elite has gotten all so much richer at the expense of the middle class, perhaps based upon the elite’s drive, motivations, and knowhow; yet, to a very large extent the two biggest reasons why wealth has become more and more concentrated into the hands of the 1%, is basically because the governance of this country will not appropriately and fairly tax at a progressive rate, the very institutions and people that have all the money; in addition, to the salient fact, that present day America does not feel the need to tax appropriately the actual gargantuan amount of wealth and capital held in the hands of the 1%, thereby allowing those with capital to simply passively invest such to add even more to the wealth that they already have.
The thing is, a house divided cannot stand, it will by necessity, fall; and further to the point, to believe that those that are Americans are actually living in something akin to a vibrant and strong democracy, in which somehow the 1%, have in their hands more in wealth than the 60% that represent the middle class, is absolute insanity. The only possible way that this income and wealth disparity will continue to go along its merry way, is for America to become in its functionality a police state, of which, it can be said, to a very large extent, it seems as if that is the clearly the direction that America is in, today. Remember this well, that those that have the money, the wealth, the power, and the law on their side, can easily hold off the masses for a considerable amount of time, for this is done all of the time in autocracies, dictatorships, totalitarian regimes, and the like; and further to the point, those that have it all, seldom will give up anything that they value strongly, without a real fight.
Those that bother to or care to look at America’s underbelly, will see for a certainty, that far too many of our fellow citizens have far too little, as well as these forsaken people often being devoid of hope, opportunity, as well as suffering from the lack of fair play by their government that fails to represent them, well. Those, that are part of the middle class, are clearly better off than the underclass, but their security to a very significant extent, is held in the hands of their masters, which typically are the 1%, who often control their wages and their security, directly or indirectly. While one must give some begrudging credit to the 1%, for keeping the people fairly quiescent, through a quality lineup of “bread and circuses,” there will, though, come that time of reckoning, when those that are being essentially cheated out of the American dream, are going to have a call to arms, and those that nobly answer that call, will be the ones that are true to what this country was always meant to be and may yet, become.