When the government consistently runs deficits, there are winners and losers / by kevin murray

The United States Federal Government can’t come even reasonably close to a balance budget, but instead consistently runs huge deficits, year after year.  Perhaps there is some upcoming resolution to such, which will effectively address and take care of this fiscal crisis -- but probably not, for the United States politicians along with its corresponding legislative actions, speaks volumes about what they are and what they are not doing in order to balance the budget; which is, for whatever reason or reasons, essentially that these politicians do not feel the urgency or have the courage to tax the citizens at the amount that would be so necessary to balance the budget and/or reduce government expenditures, so of.


Nobody likes to pay taxes, but in fairness to the present generation as well as especially to future generations, this country has an obligation to get its fiscal house in order, which it has not done.  This signifies what is already glaringly obvious, that those that are the richest and most powerful in America, effectively run its tax policies, and when those that have all the money, are tax at a rate, which is significantly below what they should be progressively taxed at -- for income, for capital gains, for capital, and for inheritance taxes, then the wealth disparity not only gets ever greater, but the governmental deficit liabilities, also gets ever larger.


Those then, that are not being taxed at a fair and progressive rate, are therefore getting a free ride upon all those that these future tax burdens will rest upon.  These superrich people as well as these exceedingly wealthy corporations, quite obviously, are the winners; and the losers are all those stuck with the tax liability bill, that they of their generation did not directly generate, in the first place.   Another way to look at how unfair and ill serving our current tax policies actually are, is to reflect that those with the highest degree of assets, are not only being subsidized by this governments’ weak-knee tax policies, but they can also be direct beneficiaries of government finance in another way, because when the government puts out its hand for bonds to finance its massive deficits, it is those that have capital that can therefore most easily lend to the government, and therefore these parties then get paid interest for having had the funds to do so.


It is rather a sad state of affairs, that America somehow believes that it is right to socialize amongst all its people its governmental deficits, while privatizing and localizing the profits and wealth so being generated in the here and now, without bothering to appropriately tax those that have more than enough to pay the freight to do their necessary part to contribute to the balancing of the budget.  Further to the point, governmental budgets are more incline to be more prudent and sensible, when that payment so needed to achieve such, must be paid in full, each and every fiscal year.  On the other hand, when such deficits, are continually kicked like a can down the road, this thereby encourages more irresponsible governmental expenditures, because those making such decisions, know for a certainty that the class that they favor, will not have to ever pay for it.