When it comes to learning, different people are going to have different motivations, in which some people just naturally enjoy learning about all sorts of different things, because by that knowledge, they feel more valued, of worth, and also fulfilled as an individual. Then there are plenty of others that enjoy learning about subjects that they find engaging on a personal or professional level, and desire to devote themselves to that knowledge; in which though, often they also consciously push to the side, other subject matter that isn’t of any real interest to them. Finally, there are those, perhaps because they have fallen behind fundamentally on the basics of their language and mathematical skills, that disengage themselves from learning, of just about anything, because they simply have just given up and have lost heart.
It is important for any society that has agreed to educate its whole citizenry, that the effort to do so, is as successful as it is so possible to be. It then so follows that probably the best way to get people to learn is to provide the structure and the accouterments that encourages them to want to actually learn. After all, those that are disengaged, uninterested, disruptive, sleep deprived, stressed out, or hopelessly behind, aren’t going to learn all that much, because they aren’t in a good place to be receptive or capable enough to learn. That is why, early intervention, in order to properly educate children is so important, not just on a student level, but also on a familial level, because the environment so needed to learn, should not be exclusively just the school system, because students typically need to have some sort of additional assistance and support from the home front, as well.
The best kind of learning environment for students is an environment that encourages them to seek out subjects that they have a natural interest in, which they then are able to learn about, by virtue of having mastered fundamental language and mathematical skills. In other words, a good school system is one that teaches the necessary fundamentals to those students, so that they can therefore use that knowledge in order to think for themselves, so as to subsequently find subjects that are of interest for them, that they want to learn about, which helps to keep them engaged, interested, and knowledgeable.
Again, it has to be noted, it is difficult for anyone to learn if they do not have a good command of the necessary tools that are required to learn. Further to the point, societies advance based upon a significant portion of its citizenry that are able to think and reason for themselves, so needed, in order to preclude such citizenry from being treated by its governance, as subjects that are meant to be obedient, as compared to citizens that are meant to be independent thinking, while also being cognizant that within the rights so provided to them by their government along with their unalienable rights, that they have incumbent duties so needed to be performed by them, so as to uphold and to maintain those rights for the people.
Those then, that learn well are not only a benefit to themselves but also to their society, because having that knowledge provides them with the bedrock of what is known as liberty.