The above quote comes from the hand of Frederick Engels, and within this sentiment is a profound truth. That truth is that each of us has desires, and because each of us is different, then not too surprisingly, our desires are not going to be the same desire for each of us, or even in sync, or in harmony, one with another, and when a multitude of desires are all fighting for the same space, the end result is going to inevitably be the conflict of those different desires.
Now, this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have our own desires or hopes, but rather it must be recognized that when everybody is about exclusively their own agenda, and therefore they believe that asserting their will, is the only thing that matters, then the end result cannot possibly be anything other than chaos and disharmony.
Those then, that are able to accept the fact that every person is entitled to the same rights as well as their own individual viewpoint along with everyone else, should therefore understand that the best way for individuals to have a better and more positive experience is to find commonality with one another as well as to have a better understanding, that we all are in this present environment, together. So too, it's important that what we typically desire for ourselves, preferably be something of merit, as compared to something exclusively of self-interest, because, unsurprisingly those things that we selfishly desire, are going to typically be self-serving, and therefore not of real interest to most others, and when a significant amount of people have that same type of mindset, then the end result is going to be that nobody really gets their way, and just about everybody in society, loses.
The main reason why so many plans so developed for the betterment of society, don't ever seem to work out as well as expected, is because those that are on the same team often aren't actually fully unified in purpose or intent. Instead, far too often, in far too many situations, we find that there are actually hidden agendas, misdirection, cliques, and just about everything conceivable that serves to undermine the noble purpose of what is supposed to be accomplished for the greater good.
A world in which everybody just cares about their own self, or their own circle, is never going to be a world that is going to be anything other than what we so see today, which is a world that is often filled with conflict, hatred, and injustice. So then, in order to evolve to the next level, we need to think less about our own self, and take into our collective psyche, instead, that those that are joined together in a common cause, to thereby develop into a well-oiled machine are going to progress a lot further, as a cohesive package, because they have less flaws, and more corresponding virtues.
In truth, those that will the best of the other, and do their good part to help achieve that goal on behalf of society, are going to find the end result to be a lot more pleasing, then those that just want what they want, and don't seem to comprehend that selfishness seldom works out the way that we thought it would.