“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” / by kevin murray

The above scripture comes from John 8: 32, and for those that would take the time and the consideration to truly ponder and to thereby contemplate upon this beautiful wisdom, they will discover, sooner or later, that it is truth, and truth, alone, that frees us from the binding and restricting cords of illusion, delusion, and deceit.


While there are those people, that like to play mind games, in the illogical belief, for instance, that their truth is not the same as another person’s truth, but believing somehow that these both are still truths, nevertheless; have failed to properly comprehend that these are quite obviously, deceits of the mind, that serve no good purpose, whatsoever.  There is only one truth, and that truth, never changes, for it is immutable, which signifies that a truth that changes with the day, time, subjectivity, and desires of the time, isn’t a truth at all.  Further to the point, to believe that our human perceptions or our human mind, is the highest possible intelligence that could ever be achievable or fathomable is not correct.  Rather, each of us would be wiser, if we were each a bit humbler, so that we would be more cognizant that beyond the perception of our common senses, that there must be an obvious unseen order in this universe, and that it is our duty, as well as our calling, to find that order and thereby to conform with it, so as to thereby know the truth of our existence.


The reason that the truth sets us free, is that anytime that we live within a construct that denies us the ability to see, to know, and to live to that truth, then we are living within a dimension which has entrapped us and taken us away from liberty.  Additionally, each one of us should want to know the truth, because to base our lives and our desires upon that which is either incorrect in substance, or that which is a deception in form, is going to inevitably lead to the very frustrations and miseries that so many of us suffer unduly from. 


It must also be stated, that knowing the truth, while making us free from delusion, still does not mean for a certainty, that we will avail ourselves correctly of that powerful knowledge; for there is many a person, that takes illicit substances that thereupon addles their mind or makes poor decisions that they knowingly are conscious of as being stupid, ill-advised, or wrong, but they go ahead and do so, anyway, of which, that is indeed the downfall and error of so many.


The very foundation of knowledge, is truth, for that which is not true, is not knowledge.  Therefore, it behooves those that are seeking for that which is worthy of their true being, to seek for that which will be the end of all further searches, which is the truth of our existence; and from that truth, so lived, this will be the corresponding end of our many sorrows, for that which is truth, is timeless, unchanging, liberating, and joyful.