Higher education and the conspiracy against the poor and disadvantaged / by kevin murray

If higher education for those that are the most disadvantaged and poor, was really of interest or of concern and thus treated as a meaningful priority of our government, then that government, of, for, and by the people, would take the necessary steps to serve far better those that are the most ill-prepared for higher education, and therefore are also the same ones most in need of governmental assistance and good applicable programs structured specifically for them.


At the present time, higher education has never been of more relevancy to the material success of a given individual, and while it must be stated that higher education is not for all; of which, those that do not gravitate to higher education, may so find that trade schools and the like would probably be more suitable or of benefit to them; we do so find though, that those that are left behind by poor educational facilities, unmotivated teachers, and the constant lack of necessary school structure and resources, that this has further serve to compound the injustice to all those that attend these unqualified schools, leaving these students with virtually none of the attributes so needed to be a successful student at some future point, should they be inclined to try their hand at higher education.


One might think that any legitimate government that was actually worth its salt, would demonstrate in principle that the very best thing that they could do for those that live in enclaves of poverty and hopelessness, is to provide to these children with what would amount to be the best avenue to successfully generate the escape velocity so needed, so as to raise themselves up, which would be the proper education of those that are born with hope, but typically find such hope being inexorably sucked away from their person, day after day.


The argument could be made, and should be made, that this nation, has made it its point and principle, to preclude those that are the most disadvantaged amongst us from achieving any hope of success through higher education by denying them the structure, the aid, and thereby the tools that would permit this to successfully occur.  So then, the only fair conclusion, that a reasonable person could perceive from this is that quite obviously this government clearly desires that it have and that it maintain a permanent underclass, so created for the purpose of these un-championed people being exploited for the benefit of primarily businesses, which find it very profitable to have a labor class that is compelled to work in areas of poor remuneration, without union representation, and without a voice, so as to make a good profit off of their personal sweat, blood, and tears.


After all, it is only the lower class that can be consistently fooled and taken advantage of, because that is the only class in America, which has basically nobody to represent their interests, in addition to these people being the least educated and astute.  That is to say, those that are the elite of America, recognize well that as long as there are distractions to keep the lower class occupied, as well as a strong policing arm to intimidate them, then, these corporate elites indeed have a good exploitable labor base that will do what they so demand and thus remain forever in their place.