Violent thoughts and violent words, often lead to violence / by kevin murray

For all those that believe that this world is far too violent, the only possible solution to such, is never going to be through more violence – whether this represents so-called righteous violence or not; but only through the right type of thinking and thus the right type of acting, which has to in its actions be always in conformance with non-violence.  That is to say, you cannot conceivably end violence with violence, ever.


Further to the point, how we think, has an awful lot to do with our subsequent actions so taken, and thus when our thoughts tend to vengeful payback when we have been wronged, or to vehement anger because we are upset, or to hostile revenge when we have been disrespected; then, each one of these responses are going to ratchet up potential violence, not diminish it.  Instead, we need to look at the world with a fresh pair of eyes and thus to recognize that violence in answer to violence or a perceived wrong is not the right path going forward and never will be.


Those nations that make it a part of their national identity to celebrate formally those acts taken that are violent in nature, are clearly celebrating the wrong thing.  So too, those nations that have entertainment choices, including sports, that essentially celebrate violent acts as somehow being expressions that should be glorified or countenanced, have it oh so wrong.  That is to say, the very first act in order to get off of this endless cycle of violence begetting violence, is to recognize that only non-violence will successfully resolve such.


That said, the first step though, to overcoming all of the violence and the glorification of such, is to change the mindset of the people that make up our societies to reflect then that violence is not the correct answer to resolving problems, and further to the point, that violence is not in harmony with what the better angels of our nature expect of us.  This thus indicates that as in anything that requires change, that change first must come through our own persona, and because we are the masters of what we think, say, and do, it is therefore up to us, to begin that change within our own person.  So then, whenever we find ourselves thinking violent thoughts, or using violent words, or seeking to respond with violence to that which is bothering us, then we need to pause, so as to therefore come up with a more responsible response, instead.


The pathway to non-violence is not ever going to be easy, and for a certainty, this thus requires eternal diligence and strength of character, in order to stay upon the narrow pathway that we need to remain upon.  After all, the temptation to give in to violence is all around us, for when our mind too often dwells upon violence as an appropriate answer, or we respond to provocations with hateful words, then we are at a minimum, violent in our mind, which is not far removed from taking violent actions.  Instead, we need to maintain the course, and when we find ourselves drifting into thinking the wrong thoughts, we need to show the strength of character and the self-discipline to not give in to that which is inimical to those that have been created for something far, far better.