There are all sorts of influences that impressed themselves upon us every day; of which, some of these influences we invite into our lives; whereas, there are also those other influences that though uninvited or unwittingly, do so find a pathway to influence us, anyway. The thing about life, is that each person is responsible for their own life; of which, regrettably there are a fair amount of people that do not seem to understand this fundamental concept. This thus signifies that those that are incapable, unable, complacent, or just too lazy to build a life based around being a person of initiative, volition, integrity and of good character, are the very same people that will be most susceptible to outside influences throughout their life, and of which, we do so find, that those influences, for them, are more than likely, not going to be the good type.
The reason that what influences us is so important to every one of us, is because we do so find that in order for particular people and institutions to get their way, that they often find themselves resorting to exerting influence, both direct and indirect, upon us, so as to lead us to where they so desire us to go. That would not necessarily be so bad for us, if this influence was utilized for our greater good; but far too frequently that sort of influence upon us, is typically being directed at us, so as to mold us into what these others so want for their own self-serving interests; of which, it is probably fair to state, that this isn’t likely to be something that is of much good for us, at all.
On the other hand, there are those great souls, as well as good people of common sense, and of sound wisdom, that also desire to influence us, but not for their personal benefit; for rather they richly desire to see us grow into becoming the best person that we so can become, which thereby helps to make society, a better place. These type of good people, are the type of individuals that lead by example, while also being concerned about our welfare, of which, they are the ones that lend us not only a helping hand when such is necessary; but also, are the same ones that provide us with the bridge that will help us to overcome turbulent trouble. This is therefore the type of influence that we should desire to have in our life, and while there are plenty of people that will take on the guise of being of material help to us, not all that so offers such, are going to be true to such.
So then, what each of us, needs to take to heart, is to determine as to whether or not those that currently have influence upon us, are the type of people that are bringing us closer to our noble goals and good deeds; or whether they are instead the type of people that are distracting us from those necessary things that we so need to address and to get accomplished. Each of us is influenced by others, whether we consciously recognize it or not – therefore it behooves us to make sure as well as to ascertain whether that influence is for our betterment or not; and to thereby to make adjustments, as so required, to become that which we were meant to be.