Throughout history, tax collectors have been recognized as being some of the most despicable persons within a given nation, and not without good reason. The most basic reason why tax collectors are so often despised, has a lot to do with the material fact, that few people, actually desire to pay taxes; however, what makes tax collectors throughout history, to be seen as being such contemptible characters, has an awful lot to do with the quantifiable fact that tax collectors, have historically been collecting taxes so being charged upon the people, as a rather blunt instrument of the state, and further to the point, have themselves exhibited a strong tendency to collect more than they should, so as to pocket the difference, so of, into their own hands.
In today’s modern world, the collection of taxes has become institutionalized, so that the tax collector as an individual is pretty much not ever noticed; and despite the fact that America, saw fit, to initiate a progressive income tax, generations ago, we do so find that in the present age, that never have the superrich had it so good when it comes to taxes, as they do so, now. This presupposes that the taxing arm of the state, while definitely being in existence, as its own separate governmental entity, has for all practical purposes, apparently been subsumed by that same superrich elite, so as to “game” the system, in a way and manner, in which the general public is left holding the tax bag, and those that have plenty of assets and wealth, already, are therefore not only able to hold on to what they so have, but also to pass a substantial portion of what they have so accumulated throughout their lifetime, onto their progeny and/or other institutions of their preference.
The tax code within America, is unnecessarily complicated, of which, the purpose of that tax code being so convoluted, is so that the superrich, are thereupon able to bend the tax rules in their favor, or delay such for such an extended period of time, that this ends up serving their purpose, just as well. The fact that the superrich are able to be taxed on their capital gains at a lower rate than the higher progressive tax rates for ordinary income, is proof positive, that the tax collecting arm of the state, is clearly on the side of those that have all of their wealth already accumulated; and is clearly in opposition to those that have to labor for a living. Further to the point, mega corporations that have profits of billions upon billions of dollars are able to successfully circumvent fair taxation upon their profits, again and again, year after year, by sophisticated and unfair tax avoidance strategies, so structured or countenanced by the taxing arm of the state, to benefit specifically those mega corporations, at the expense of the common man. Finally, this nation, refuses to implement the most practical of taxing actions, which is to simply collect a small percentage of the accrued wealth of those mega corporations and of those that have high net worth, each and every year – and the reason that this does not happen, is the fact that the historically despised tax collector or its modern day equivalency is still clearly the instrument of the state, and in this case, that state is firmly in the hands of the superrich, the well connected, and the elite.