Humankind has an interest in finding solutions to all sorts of medical issues of the time, in which, oftentimes in order to make progress, medical experimentations with real human subjects are preferred and thereby considered to be necessary. Not too surprisingly, when it comes to things such as radiation, toxic concoctions, medical surgeries of the vanguard, and the like, there is a real tangible risk for those that have “volunteered” to be experimented upon, and therein lies the rub.
What this government has proven, time and time again, is that it richly desires not to be transparent, open, and forthcoming in regards to some of its human experimentations and thereby the purpose behind the research of those experiments -- not only to the general public, who have a right to know, but even worse, to those that are being experimented upon. Further to the point, it isn’t possible for any human being to give their outright consent to any experiment, that may be of extreme material damage to them, without receiving in return, a full accounting of the dangers, thereof. Additionally, all those people that are compromised to begin with, as in those that are incarcerated, or of feeble mind, or are monetarily poor, or have been conscripted, or are quite ill, or are considered by that government to be of no real importance, aren’t in a very good position, whatsoever, to provide a true willing consent to any human experiment so being performed upon them.
While it certainly makes sense that the medical profession should want to try their best to resolve problems of long standing, in regards to things such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and the like; it has to be first of all, well noted, that not everything that the medical profession suggests, actually has the best interests of the patient in mind; for in America, those that have a heavy influence upon that medical profession, such as the military, the government, or those institutions fixated upon a profit, have their significant say. In other words, some experiments, are conducted on human persons, as a way and means for the military to know how to, for example, best counteract the ill effects of radiation, or of poisonous or non-poisonous gas, or of various chemicals known to be harmful to the human body, and so on and so forth.
A significant amount of Americans believe in the virtue of making some sort of sacrifice for their nation, when called upon, in those times of need and trouble. That said, not every human experiment, so devised, actually has the best interests of humans in mind, for rather there are those experiments that will attempt to determine the tolerance of human beings to various agents which are known or strongly suspected to be toxic or dangerous to humans. Further to the point, not every medical procedure, or medicine so being tested, is the type of procedure or newfound drug, in which there is actually a reasonable chance of success of it being of lasting benefit for humans; for rather there is often immense managerial pressure put upon the medical profession to come up with some sort of “magic bullet”, no matter how unreasonable, such appears to sound minds.
In short, the greatest disservice so done by this government, on many an occasion, is to take advantage of the poor, the uneducated, the disadvantaged, the trapped, and the forsaken, so as to pretend to these very people, that what is so being done to them, is for their expressed benefit, when in reality, they are often being victimized by their own government, under false pretenses.