In order for any nation to prosper there has to be a “rule of law,” of which, without a well-defined and fair rule of law, so structured that it thus applies to all, equally; we so find that where there then is the lack of such a rule of law, that thereby the power structure of that nation and thereby the exertion of that power within that nation will have a strong tendency to favor the ruling class of that nation, and thereby to supersede the rule of law, itself, especially in those cases of most material importance to those of that ruling class.
In the United States, there are laws upon laws upon laws; of which, the interpretation of those laws and the appeals in regards to those laws, oftentimes has an awful to do with the power and the influence of whoever it is, that is petitioning that government, for a redress of grievances. In other words, for those that are the forgotten, the forsaken, and the forlorn, there is no appeal to any type of justice system, because these people aren’t recognized as being of any material importance to the nation, whatsoever. On the other hand, for those that have position, power, and influence, but for whatever reason have been caught with their “hand in the cookie jar,” it is absolutely astonishing how many appeals, delays, favors, considerations, and the like are thereby typically available for them to draw upon; thus, making it appear, or more than appear, that there is the law as it is applied to the common man, and there is a wholly different way of that law being applied to those that are especially well positioned.
While it can be said, that any law can be subject to some interpretational differences, what we do so find, is that, those legal minds that are highly compensated and especially clever, are able to take a given law, which seems to be fairly clear and obvious, and somehow seem to be able to make a successful argument to those of authority, that somehow something within that law, can be interpreted in a certain special way, that will favor their client’s interests. This thus signifies, that laws as ruled upon, don’t seem to be ruled equally to the rich and poor alike; but rather, those that are the most influential amongst us, are somehow categorized into the position in which the law, as applied, is structured differently and thereby more favorably for them.
The most disappointing thing is that when it comes to crime, we do so find that the conviction and punishment of the common man, is almost always, quite cut and dry; whereas, for those that are amongst the upper echelons of society, somehow, it appears, that these people don’t have to observe the exact same laws as everyone else, or rather, in their lack of observing them, they end up being distinctly treated in a diametrically different way -- which way more times than not, favors them. The problem with this type of unequal application of justice, is that it lends itself to the general public losing their respect for the rule of law; of which, for all those that are above the law, it not only sets a rather very poor example of leadership to the common man, but it is also indicative that those that make the laws and thereupon break them, without corresponding punishment, are hypocrites of the worse order.