Those that lean, and those that are leaned on / by kevin murray

Life has its troubles and problems, of which, for those of us that are the most successful, or that clearly have their respective act together, they are thus able to fairly demonstrate that they can consistently handle what so comes their way with aplomb, except perhaps in those occasional times in which they are unexpectedly overwhelmed by something; but even then, they thereby usually show forth their character, by their sound ability to get back up on their feet, soon after.  Then, there are also those others, that clearly appear to have a life of trouble and problems which seem to constantly overwhelm them, of which, day after day, seemingly, no progress is ever made on any sustainable level to resolve their most basic troubles or problems, ever.


So then, what we so have, is a divide, between those that lean on others; as contrasted to all those that are leaned upon.  While most people that find themselves being leaned upon, don’t have any real issues with such, especially when the leaning clearly has a beginning and an end to it; we do so find that in those situations in which the person that is being constantly leaned upon, perceives that this leaning does not appear to have any lasting resolution ever to so appear on the horizon, that therefore this constant dependency by the other thus ends up taking a toll on the person so being depended upon.  After all, the dead weight of another, is something, that will certainly take its toll, eventually, upon even the strongest of people.


This thus signifies, that as much as we might desire to help the other, we have to always keep in mind, that we need ourselves to maintain some personal space as well as personal time, so that we don’t suffer from being burnt out or from the diminishing of our good character; of which, if such as that thus happens, this could easily lead us to resent the other person as being some sort of annoying  pest.  So too, for the person that does all of the leaning, it is important for them, to understand that the traffic so being generated, cannot always be just one way; because that direction, so of, isn’t going to lead to anything other than an undesirable dead end.  Therefore, those that typically do all of leaning, need to seriously find some other avenue or idea that will provide them with the means to assist that person who they believe, doesn’t need their assistance, in some activity, that will actually benefit their helpful friend.  For we so find that once a person that is so dependent upon another, recognizes that they too are capable of being of aid to another, in some way, big or small, this thus helps their own self to become more enlightened.


So then, for all those that have a strong tendency to lean on another, they must first be cognizant of that fact, and thereby then resolve to do more to become self-sufficient, which will thus help them to improve their overall outlook in life.  Whereas, for those, that are leaned on, they too must recognize that carrying another person’s weight all of the time, isn’t healthy for either person, and thereby it is often wiser to help steady a person that is stumbling, rather than to just lean over so as to carry them.