We are what we are, good or bad, because of the thoughts, and then the corresponding actions that we have so taken in our respective lives. The choice of what pathway that we so desire to take is ours to make, and thereby, ours to own. Those than, that are dissatisfied with their lives, often need only look at the pathway that they are on, along with the characteristics that they so represent, and take the time to examine who and what they really are at the present time, and then thereby to determine to make the necessary fundamental adjustments to correct that which needs to be corrected, or else find themselves continuing along the same dead end road. Those others, on the other hand, that believe that they are indeed on the correct pathway, need to have such verified, by coordinating and communicating with respected others, as well as examining themselves in a way and manner to determine as to whether or not all is well within their persona, and if so, to continue along that same good path.
In life, we have been gifted with the free will, to make of ourselves and of our situation, what we so determine to make of it; and while it is true that some are born with inherent advantages over others; whereas, others are burdened with many disadvantages – that does not necessarily mean or signify that the story of what will or will not happen in our life, has been written in stone, for it has not. We remain, always, the author of our own story; and each of us has a different story to tell. Those then, that persistently write a story of good will to others, and demonstrate compassion, patience, understanding, and generosity in their everyday interactions, in which they are consistently fair minded, and are not quick to judge, but are quick to forgive, are magnifying the good of their character. As for those others, who write a story of often bad will to others, who are judgmental, quick to belittle, uncaring, selfish-minded, petty, liars, and things of that ill sort, are magnifying instead the bad of their character.
While it is true that we cannot change the past, we have, in our control, the attitude that we take in the present, which will be the guiding light of what so happens in the future. Those that have taken the time to scrutinize their own life, and have recognized their flaws and failures, determining thereupon of making it their point to improve their character, and when so stumbling, have dusted themselves off, again and again, in order to get back up and to conquer what so needs to be conquered, are getting ever closer to where they need to be. Those others, that though recognizing that not all is well within their psyche, but just can’t seem ever to generate the wherewithal or escape velocity so needed to extract themselves from a bad situation, and thereby are seemingly content with their lot, aren’t making the progress that they need to make. We are, in the end, what we so magnify; of which, this so fairly represents, the essence of our true character, for better or for worse.