In life, there are those situations in which one person or one institution holds pretty much all of the power over the other person. We find these types of situations, for instance, in some of the interactions between, the general public and the policing arm of the state; in addition, we also find this scenario occurring in those situations in which a person without a lot of options for gainful employment, find themselves placed in the unenviable position of which they have to basically accept the conditions of that employment without having an effective voice, perhaps because they are an undocumented person or similar. In these types of cases, the person or institution with the authority and power, are thereby able to exert their will, almost exclusively, without any reasonable fear of any sort of retribution or negative consequences so coming back to haunt them, for their actions, so taken.
Most people, are properly fearful and therefore respectful of the police; for they know for a certainty that police officers, have the power to take away their freedom by their arresting of them, or even to take violence against them, in which, in a lot of cases, the person so being involved in this type of scenario, doesn’t have a lot of good options, available to them to turn to, at all. Therefore, not too surprisingly, since police officers know their authority and their power, they basically expect that they will be respected by the general population; and those people that don’t show those officers proper respect, have place themselves, perhaps unwittingly, into a possibly precarious situation, in which the end result for them, could be rather catastrophic. While, logic tells us that respect should always be a two-way street; our innate sensibility tells us that anytime that we are dealing with a superior force, that to hold those with that superior force, to that sort of construct, is probably going to be unwise. Therefore, it behooves us, to often swallow our pride and our tongue, or else, be prepared to suffer the consequences, so of.
Since America is considered to be the land of opportunity; and of which, there are many other nations that are quite unsafe and full of peril, we do so find that many a person wishes to make the journey to what they so consider to be the promise land. While, most of those people, so immigrating, know that the situation in America, probably isn’t going to be ideal for them, they often don’t recognize, how lowdown and dirty things can conceivably get. After all, when an employee works hard for their employer, but gets cheated out of their pay, or are force to work in unsafe working conditions, or to labor for extra hours at no compensation, or a basic combination of those things; they know that they have been cheated, but in consideration, that they are not legal residents of this nation, they also know it’s problematic for them to get justice.
Indeed, absolute power corrupts, and in reality, the only way to temper down some of the worse abuses to such; is to see that first and foremost, that those that are the most vulnerable, have in place, protections to their unalienable rights, which can be asserted in a fair court of law, against those that have transgressed against them. For, in truth, there are plenty of people and institutions that get a perverse joy in doing all of the punching, but when the other side is entitled to punch back, quickly change their tune.