There are a whole lot of people, that if they only applied themselves to the tasks at hand, would know a lot more about the things that are of material importance to know; but for whatever reason, such as intellectual laziness, fear, bad habits, bad environment, and the like; we see so represented in today’s modern world, an incredible amount of people that somehow are basically okay with being ignorant about a lot of things of value, that consequently ends up making their life, typically, a lot more problematic than it need be.
It is important to note, that somebody that cannot comprehend words, or the context of those words, is in a really bad place, which is basically akin to being in a foreign land and not knowing how to successfully communicate, one with another. So too, those that do not have the sound ability to read the written word, so that they are therefore dependent upon someone else to read to them, better be sure that the words so being spoken to them match the words that have been written, or else they will most likely come out with the short end of the stick. So too, those that cannot do basic arithmetic, are absolutely dependent upon those that know that basic arithmetic, and must therefore hope that they are not subsequently cheated by virtue of having that ignorance. Finally, those that don’t understand the importance of good ethics and morals, are susceptible to falling into all sorts of vices and errors, because of their inability to discern the proper value of such.
For a certainty ignorance is not bliss, it never has been, and it never will be. Rather, we so find, that those that lack knowledge in those areas of vital or of fundamental importance, are almost always in the thrall of those that have successfully obtained that knowledge; of which, it is the knowledgeable that are forever the masters of those that know little or nothing. There are, regrettably, plenty of people, for their own self-serving reasons, that prefer to deal with ignorant people, for an ignorant person is someone far easier to control, manipulate, and to take advantage of, as opposed to someone else of fair knowledge and of a sensible moral code.
Each of us has been gifted with a free will, of which, the best value for that free will, is to thereby make it our point to obtain useful knowledge that will help to make our lives better and of more satisfaction. After all, those that search for truth and thereby find that truth, are going to be in the catbird seat in comparison to all those others that blithely don’t care, are lazy, hopelessly behind, or are unthinking. So too, those that know the ins and outs of what is and what is not of value, are the type of people, that are going to be set up well to make better life decisions, than those that lack that same solid foundation. In short, ignorance is a form of enslavement, in which because we know little or nothing of value, we place ourselves in the position of being led by others, for better or for worse, and with the hope, that these leaders will have our best interests in mind, even though, they may well not.