The unalienable rights of humankind have not ever been gifted to us by any government and never will be; for they are instead provided to every one of us as a free gift, by our Creator. Further to the point, this thus signifies that the prime objective of good governance is to first and foremost to uphold those unalienable rights of the people; and to the degree that governance does not do so, this is to the disservice of that constituency. This thus means that when it comes to governance, the prime objective by that government should always be upheld in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of that government, so that this governance of, for, and by the people, does not get distracted from that which is it sacred mission on behalf of the people, that sanctioned it into existence in the first place.
There are an unlimited amount of things, activities, and actions, that any government could do – but what we so often find in today’s world, is that the governance of the people, seems to be mainly done in a way and manner in which the people are considered to be nothing much more than an afterthought; and the top priority of many a government too frequently consists of benefiting unfairly those that they have an affinity for, which is typically at odds of what would be of benefit to the people, in whole. This means that when it comes to the inviolability of the people’s unalienable rights, that such governance, has a strong tendency to proselytize to the people that for their own good, and for their own safety, that some of those unalienable rights need to be sacrificed from time-to-time, or perhaps effectively all of the time, to the state, which is typically not only a bad bargain for the people, but also represents an unauthorized aggrandizement of the people’s power to that state.
When it comes to governance, it is important that there be set aside a specific time for a periodic reset of that government; so that what we don’t have happen, is a government that gets ever larger, year-by-year, ever more powerful, ever more invasive, ever more dictatorial, and thereby becomes ever further removed from its main function, which is to uphold the unalienable rights of the people. While it is true, that those that serve that government at its highest levels, are sworn to abide by the highest law of the land, which is its Constitution; it would appear that this governments’ founding documents are typically seen now only as a great historical relic, that though brilliant, insightful, and revolutionary in their day, are now superseded by those that are empowered at the moment.
To govern a nation, does not have to be overly complicated, for every nation consists of a body of people, of which, a significant amount of those people, are truly desiring to have provided to them, equality of opportunity, fairness, justice, and liberty; and to the degree that the governance of those people, makes it their point to provide the pathway to secure such, then that governance has done so for the betterment of their people, and need do little more.