Timeless truths / by kevin murray

While in this modern-age there are plenty of people and organizations, that appreciate the value and therefore the importance of scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, this in and in itself, is not actually the highest conceivable mission for humankind.  As much as a given individual wishes to believe that certain discoveries are so profound that everything thereafter is going to be amazingly good, they don’t seem to consciously comprehend that humankind has a remarkable way of adapting to new technologies and devices, in a manner, in which the amazing, becomes to a certain degree, somewhat banal or if not that, taken for granted over a long enough period of time.  So then, this or that discovery, is in actuality not going to change the fundamental nature of humankind, though it may indeed change the conditions for the better that we live within; but unless the actual character of humankind thereby changes for the better, it’s pretty much all for naught.


The most important type of discovery and breakthrough that humankind needs in order to achieve its upmost, is the unveiling of timeless truths.  Each of us when we incarnate into human form have to a very large extent, been veiled from knowing who and what we really are.  Yet, within our psyche, there is always that inkling that life is something much more that what we perceive strictly through our five senses.  Indeed, true life and therefore the meaning of life is beyond those senses; for the physical is not meant to be the master of one’s being, but rather should be seen as that which encases our spirit within its physicality, of which, far too many of us, misidentify our physical presence as the be-all and the end-all of who we are.


The timeless truths that we need to search for and to find, are those truths, that have always been the same since the beginning of time, and these truths will not ever change at any point for any reason, ever, for they are immutable.  These then are the truths that each of us are compelled to not only just find but once so found, to live out in all that we subsequently say and do, for it is those truths and only these truths that will last and have significance throughout the eons of time.  So then, what are these timeless truths? 


The first truth is that there is order in God’s universe, of which, because of this order, none ever will be lost, and none ever will be left behind.Further, God is not our puppet master, for to control others is only for those that wish to be tyrants or are insecure, and never for those that believe that free choice is the only true way to measure the character of that which was created with its own volition, so as to express itself and to explore.This thus signifies that there is no higher tribute that any of us can provide to God, then to use our free will as a means to bring enlightenment to those that are in darkness, for these avatars, are the true light bearers, and therefore eternal pillars in the immaculate mansion of our God