All things considered; the abortion rate should be far less then what it is / by kevin murray

The subject of abortion, is something that is fraught with rather high emotional responses from many a person.  There are plenty of people, that are concerned that the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade will soon be effectively overturned; in addition to the salient fact, that many States are relentlessly making it much more difficult for patients to get a legal abortion.  This would seem to reflect a cause of some real concern, for those of a more progressive outlook, or for those of the belief that a person should have the right to choose, seemingly as if the United States is not just attempting, but actually succeeding in turning back the clock of time. 


The thing is, though, is that never has there been more options and more viable avenues for those that do not desire to get pregnant to avail themselves of, then we are so seeing today.  For instance, we have birth control implants, birth control shots, IUDs, birth control pills, birth control patches, condoms, and so many other effective means to preclude pregnancy.  So too, there are options for those that have had unprotected sex in which they can take the morning after pill, or have an IUD inserted, so as to still prevent getting pregnant.  In other words, for those that know that they are going to have sex, there are prudent steps that can be taken to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, if only those participating in such, are willing to take the responsibility to do such. 


We do find though that the abortion rate has been trending down in recent years, but still, it has yet to demonstrate a precipitous decline, which basically reflects that as many of the viable choices that people can avail themselves of, far too many people, just basically prefer to gamble or to not take personal responsibility, thereby placing themselves in the unenviable position of having to deal with something that they truly do not need to deal with to begin with, and to thereby suffer the consequences, so of.


The truth of the matter is, that very few people, that have gone through the travails of an abortion, wish to have gone down that route to begin with.  That is to say, the very debate about abortion, would be far less relevant or poignant, if the number of abortions so being performed, was reduced to a rate that was effectively small enough, that those that declaim the loudest about the right to life, would therefore have very little to actually shout about.


The reality is that there isn’t a whole lot of people that want to be in a position in which they have to have an abortion; yet, abortions are still occurring in America at a rate that reflects the very opposite.  This would seemingly indicate that something as important and life changing as getting impregnated, seems to be a topic that has not been successfully managed or addressed in a meaningful way by governmental institutions or really by any other institution of significance in this nation, which is a contributing reason why so many undesired pregnancies, and the dramatics, so of, occur, each and every hour of every day.