Lots of people like to have their way, and many of those same people, are not averse to doing just about whatever it takes to have their way over another. Those then, that cross the line to outright manipulation, exploitation, deceit, trickery, and violence in order to have what they believe that they have a right to have, are the very people that have allowed their selfish desires to override their common decency, as well as their good common sense. While it’s absolutely fine to desire and to want things, one’s will should work in conjunction and cooperation with others, as opposed to demanding this or that from another, through one’s sheer force of will or worse. Further to the point, those that are enamored of their power and their will, so as to have their way, don’t seem to properly comprehend that each person is sovereign to their own self, with their respective right to their own desires and their own will, as well.
To believe that the highest nature of humankind, is essentially that might makes right, or one’s social position, or status, or money, or this or that makes for what is practicality defined as right, therefore means that the superior within this context, should be served by the inferior, which hardly seems fair or just. Different people have different things, and different people want different things; and none of these people in the scheme of things is exactly equal in regards to their intelligence, accomplishments, means, and background; but what they are equal in, is that they are all entitled to their own free-will, their own viewpoint, and their own beliefs.
To assert one’s will over another in a way and means in which there is never a fair meeting of those respective minds just isn’t right, for the forcing of one’s way over another, is not therefore a collaboration, but rather represents, instead, dominance of one over the other. Those that are unable to come to a successful resolution about what is so being discussed, often need to table that for another day, rather than having one party taking advantage of another, while there is still a legitimate disagreement in the air.
It isn’t that one should never assert their will, because there are, however, those times when the other party is incapacitated in some respect or that they are not of age, and therefore, they are better served by a sensible person acting on behalf of them, for their ultimate betterment. That said, more people need to keep foremost in their mind, that we need to constantly monitor, and if necessary, sensor our mind; for those that let their desires to have free rein, so as to thereby overrule and to override the respect that we owe one another, will find that bad things and unnecessary conflicts are going to invariably happen.
We, as adults, need to remember that we are no longer little children, of which, some of those as little children have had a previous tendency to claim everything as if it was their own, even when this clearly wasn’t always the case, and would thereby protect or claim what they considered to be theirs, through whatever means was necessary for them to do that. At least, what little children do is somewhat excusable, for they are just little children; whereas, adults should and ought to know better that to assert one’s will as if that is all that matters, and damn the consequences, so of, is all so very wrong.