Perfection does not change and does not know time or space / by kevin murray

The very first problem that humanity has is it seemingly measures everything in relation to something else, which thus forms the basis of the reality that it so perceives. Further to the point, virtually every human being believes for a certainty that in this world, there is both time and space; without taking into consideration that what is viewed as time and space, comes from the standpoint of human measurements, human conceptions, and human limitations.  Further, this also means that everything that appears to be subject to time as well as space, is by definition, imperfect; for that which is by its nature subject to change, makes it imperfect, which therefore means that such cannot be the actual essence of God, for God is immutable.  So then, it appears that we are imperfect and living in an imperfect world, though permitted to have within that world the use of our own free will, and of which everything that we do and interact with, seems very real.  That said, we also are able to acknowledge that God is forever complete, and therefore because God is complete, it doesn’t seem to make sense that we could ever even be a creation of God, if we are, in fact, forever changing through time and space, along with the salient fact that actual creation, by definition, is a form of change, with a beginning which therefore necessitates an end.


All of the above is a puzzle, perhaps unsolvable, perhaps not; but it leads to the very next point which is that there must be a dimension, beyond both time and space, in which everything is in the ever present, never changing, and therefore never subject to time or space.  That dimension is God, and we are at our core, each one of us, Spirit of that God, which makes us therefore begotten of God but with the important caveat that we have always been in existence with God, and always will be.  Because we are at our core, never the physical, but always the spirit, this means, that this world and everything in it, is and must be an elaborate illusion, that we have bought into, but it is not who we actually are, for we are complete, and that which is complete, knows not time or space.


Again, it is important to recognize that God is perfect and immutable, in the ever presence, so then, it is not therefore conceivable that this world and everything in it, is somehow actually the master reality, when it cannot be.  It so follows that the perfection that so many of us seek for, is God’s way of getting our attention focused on that which is the sanctuary of sanctuaries, as compared to those poor substitutes that entice us but that will never satisfy us -- as well as keeping us trapped in seemingly endless cycle of birth, death, and re-birth.


This drama, that we voluntarily participate in, is created in such a way, that we perceive that there is good and evil, light and darkness, right and wrong, so meant to beguile us ever deeper into the play that we are actors in, but never is it meant for us to forget the essence of who we are; for those that will not search for the answer to their reason for being, are in a state of confusion – too caught up in that which is meant really as the impetus for them to find the necessary curiosity to peak behind the curtain so as to then recognize Perfection.