Money and money lending / by kevin murray

We read in Holy Scripture, the following, “The rich rule over the poor. The borrower is servant to the lender.” (Proverbs 22: 7).  As true as this was, back when this was first written, it is just as relevant today.  In America, the amount of money so being borrowed by the general public, has never been greater, as well as having become completely normalized, and those so lending that money, essentially make their money, in one fundamental way, which is the charging of interest upon that loan, as well as by any fees and penalties so charged, for those so borrowing, all of which the borrower must faithfully adhere to, or duly suffer the consequences for such a failure. 


Whether money lenders should be respected or not, is a very debatable question, of which, fundamentally the loaning of money, isn’t a skill and it isn’t providing a good; in fact, it could be said it’s questionable as to whether or not it is a service, though in some way, it is providing a service, but that service comes, for a significant amount of folks, with a very hefty price.  It should also be taken into serious consideration, that the higher the interest rate that is so being charged for such a loan, the more money that is being extracted from the person or organization that has borrowed that money, of which, this form of extraction, is in many instances, a form of exploitation.  After all, those that lack monetary assets, but need such, are left to pay what the piper so insists upon, especially when they don’t see any other good viable options.  Of course, the money lender, then argues, that what they so charge is what the market will bear, of which the proof so of, is in the activity so engaged. 


Yet, the only thing of value that the money lender brings to the table is the money, and that pretty much is it.  Those that believe that without money, that our society would simply just come to a halt, have got it all wrong, for money really represents a medium of exchange, and to therefore put money above the actual labor that is producing goods, or that which is providing a needed service, have truly put the cart before the horse.  Additionally, the celebration of those that work all these various money hustles, be it huge national banking institutions, or their equivalencies, so that they can therefore make money by the virtue of just having money or the privileged access to it, must recognize the absolute absurdity of applauding that which extracts their undue profit from those that lack capital, or the fair access to it.


The place for money in this world, should be the place in which that money is used in order to be of a benefit for humankind, and not primarily as a profit-making institution.  If it is so needed that money lenders be permitted as for-profit enterprises, the least that any good governance should do for the good of its own people is to regulate that business in a manner in which the general welfare of the country so prospers, as opposed to the money lenders continually taking their pound of flesh, in addition to shedding the blood of all those just trying to get what they feel they need to get in order to make their way in society.