In reality, what sort of government do we really have? / by kevin murray

In the scheme of things, this government, is a government of, by, and for the people, by the consent of the governed, and we, in whole, are those people.  Regrettably, with the exception of elites as well as well-placed governmental officials, this government, is, in effect, not in the hands of the people, and does not honestly answer to those people, nor is this government, truly transparent to the people.  We have, in effect, a government that rules us, to its own purposes, and through the power of its extensive and documented knowledge of each one of us, is able to, by the day, grow ever more powerful at our expense.  So then, to a very large extent, our government is, for all practical purposes, behaving more and more as our master, and we as its servants.


How many people can honestly answer this question in the affirmative, which is, does this government responsibly answer all of their questions and concerns in a satisfactory manner?  On the other hand, how many can honestly say that they find their government to be obtuse, confusing, unorganized, unresponsive, and unhelpful, especially in those situations in which help is need at its most urgent level?


Anytime that the government behaves in a manner, in which we fear to tread upon its public offices and engage in its public affairs, for we tremble inside -- then that isn’t good governance.  A government that is in tune and in harmony with its constituents, is that government that is responsible, considerate, patient, and helpful in dealing with the day-to-day affairs of its constituency.  Unfortunately, our government while getting ever larger and ever more powerful, has taken upon itself, to place itself in the position, in which it seemingly holds all of the cards, in regards to, for instance, dealing with those that are impoverished, such as in healthcare, housing allowances, food stamps, educational choices, and general welfare.  So that, in effect, those that are impoverished but are sufficiently obedient to that government, will get just enough, to survive; but never enough to thrive, as well as not being provided with the means to ever extricate themselves meaningfully from their rather dire straits. 


So too, for the middle class, this government will continue on the course it has set, which is basically to allow the largest and most powerful corporations that the world has ever known, to outsource as much work and employment that they so desire, with absolutely no consequences for their doing so; which thereby permits these corporations to make even more money and become even more powerful, at the expense of the middle class, who despite their great work ethic, are finding it ever more problematic to secure good and stable jobs, with adequate benefits and a wage large enough to afford the American dream, but rather are seeing such inexorably slipping away.


This is quite frankly, a government of the privileged for the privileged; and those that are privileged, have never had it any better than what they so have, today.  The vast majority of Americans have been sold an absolute lie, which is that this is a government so created for the general welfare of the people; when, in fact, this is a government that cares only for the welfare of the privileged people, and none else.