A perfect score is a perfect score, as you can’t do any better than perfect, because if you could, that wouldn’t be perfection. So then, to achieve perfection in anything, is the absolute highest level that a given individual can be at, and if it is so possible, a truly worthwhile and noble goal. The correct motivation that makes us seek for perfection, is never going to be our ego, or for some sort of peer recognition, but rather it is us being true to an inner feeling that propels us to be the best that we can be. So too, we seek perfection for the very salient reason, that God is perfection, and the greatest tribute that we can provide to God, is to be the finest person that we can be in all that we think, say, and do.
Additionally, perfection by definition, means that there is no room for error, for doubt, or for improvement. So then, this is what each one of us should strive for; though, no doubt, in the scheme of things this may appear in certain situations to logically be impossible or seem to be impossible, yet, we have an obligation to do all that we can do to be our best, and this is the reason why we shouldn’t easily settle for that which we know is not all that we can do, and refuse to settle for less than what we know that we can and should accomplish.
Our drive for perfection, is also meant as a loving tribute to God, and the best way to demonstrate our sincerity to that purpose is by our actions. As for those that don’t buy into this mindset, they are functionally people that presently aren’t willing to strive towards that excellence, of which, they are actually quite capable of doing so on some level, but have apparently given up and petulantly don’t feel like doing better. In life, we are defined by the choices that we make and while we can essentially “opt-out” at any time for any reason, that isn’t going to be a pathway that is going to get us to where we ultimately need to go.
There are all sorts of things that drive people, such as money, honor, power, envy, and so on and so forth; in which, those that strive to be the best that they can be, ultimately will find that the most satisfying motivation in doing what they end up doing is because it is the correct thing to do. The highest calling that any of us has, is listening to that still small voice within; which in and of itself is not so easily accomplished, nor is it the easiest of things to be obedient to; however, those that are true to that voice thereby follow it absolutely faithfully.
We want to be perfect, because we want to prove to God, that we truly love God, for God is perfection. This is why then, we find ourselves being challenged by all sorts of tests in this world, for this allows us to successfully develop the wisdom to become that which we were created to be, co-creators with God in Heaven.