America likes to claim the mantle of being for freedom, liberty, hope, and opportunity. It could well be those things, but its military-industrial-technology complex appears to run this nation and it behaves clearly in a manner that belies that well-meaning sentiment in its totality. The greatest hypocrisy so propagated again and again by these United States, is its innate belief that might is always right, and therefore whenever there is trouble brewing, or conflicts that somehow the United States feels it must engage in, it skips diplomacy, it skips being reasonable, it skips having an actual dialog, and it skips an true international consortium of nations putting their heads together; to basically instead, have the United States do whatever it prefers to do, wherever that it wants to do it, which is almost exclusively against non-western nations, and thereby through its great awesome display of the use of its killing armaments, “shock and awes” whoever is unfortunate enough to get on its “bad guy” list, and cares not a whit, about the consequences, immediate or otherwise, of what so thereupon subsequently occurs.
Those that believe that freedom is defended best by killing other people, civilians or otherwise, and by bombing infrastructure as well as the people that just happen to be around that infrastructure, have no conception of what freedom actually is. To wit, freedom is never defended by the use of arms; it might be necessary to use arms from time-to-time but that usage of armaments is never a means to defend freedom, but rather, at best, it is a necessary act in order to defend the nation from enemies, whether domestic or foreign, of which, the hope is by defending one’s nation, that the end result, will be that the freedoms so ingrained within that nation, will not be sacrificed to that defending; for if freedom is lost to that government in the name of necessary safety and security so enacted, then it is submitted, freedom has not been defended, but rather has been taken away unjustly from the people.
The only conceivable way to actually defend freedom, is to in all actions so taken, make those actions consistent with the nature of freedom. Each of us has been gifted with free-will, which is our unalienable right; therefore, signifying that any agency that seizes our freedom, or limits our freedom, in order for that act to therefore be legitimate, must have something that is occurring, that necessitates the temporary sacrifice of freedom, or the constraint thereof, for a purpose higher than such freedom so represents. There are those times, when freedom and our liberties must so take a back seat, such as through a natural disaster, war, famine, and the like; of which, those exigent circumstances necessitates that we bond together and make contributions for the greater good. All that is fine, for freedom, by its very nature, requires constant vigilance from those that so desire to hold on to it, of which, we need to therefore hold properly accountable those that would take our freedom away.
The right way to defend freedom, is to honor it, in our interactions day-by-day, in the recognition that the freedoms that we so desire, are equally applicable for all others, whether or not we like or dislike them. Therefore, we each need to judge less, be slower to retaliate, and know that we are all in this together, of which, each one of us, is meant to be free.