Problems, challenges, and solutions / by kevin murray

Each one of us is going to invariably have to deal with difficult problems as well as unwelcomed challenges in our lives.   Those problems and challenges are never meant to overwhelm us, but rather they are far better viewed as stumbling blocks meant for us to overcome, through our good efforts, diligence, and concentrated actions.  For all those that do not wish for any problems or challenges, at all, recognize that a life without obstacles to overcome, is perhaps a life that the person so leading it, has not challenged themselves, enough – therefore lacking in the important opportunity to prove their true worth and value beyond mere theory, and therefore never really knowing where they truly stand.


It is important to visualize this world as the ultimate proving ground, of which each one of us, has been tasked with a particular journey, unique to us, that we need to not only take but ultimately to succeed in.  This so signifies, that the problems and challenges that we face in our life, are part and parcel of that necessary experience, providing us thereof with the opportunity to prove our mettle in the field of battle.


So then, when we come across a particular difficult challenge, rather than tucking in our tail, and running away, we need instead to face squarely that challenge and try to figure out a way to overcome it.  This so necessitates that we have a real need to call upon our mental and spiritual strength, as well as to utilize our experience in order to best figure out a way to resolve that which troubles us, and thereby precludes us from getting to where we need to be.  This clearly signifies, that not every problem is going to be successfully resolved in one day, nor does it indicate that we should not take the time to thoroughly study what we are dealing with, so as to come up with the necessary armament and strategy to subsequently conquer such.


So too, it is not reasonable to expect, that even the best laid plans, are never prone to fail; for rather, those of true character are the ones that are able to dust themselves off where they have failed, and will therefore try and try again and again, adjusting as need be to what the situation so warrants.  In truth, that which creates a problem for us, may appear intractable and even immovable, but given enough time, effort, and concentration, may indeed be broken down, bit by bit, and piece by piece.


Our greatest days are never those days, in which we faced nothing that challenged us, and had no problems; though those may indeed have been good days – but rather, our greatest days, and our greatest moments are those times when we took on that which first appeared to be a bridge too far; yet, we were eventually able to successfully cross it, despite dangers, fears, and setbacks, of which we never gave up in trying to capture that prize which laid across that river of trouble, and for that seminal accomplishment, this has made all the difference in our getting to where we need to be, so determined from the beginning of our journey.